Orange County NC Website
nppr~rse znor <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br />A RESOLUTION OF INTENT TO DEVELOP A NEW, SMALL CONSTRUCTION ANO <br />DEMOLITION LANDFILL AND RELATED RECYCLING AND PROCESSING FACILITIES <br />AND ACTIVITIES AS PART OF A MASTER SOLID WABTE SITE PLAN AT EUBANKS ROAD <br />WHEREAS, the existing wnslNCtion and dempltion lendfll located on Eubanks Roatl is <br />expectetl to reach capacity in the spring-summer of 2002: and <br />WHEREAS, Me Boats of Commissioners is cpmmitted to a 81 per Rnt waste retluCion goal In <br />Orange County by [he year 2006; antl <br />WHEREAS, a broatl-based Cons4uction antl Demolition Waste Recycling Task Force that <br />included mambare of the construction industry recommentletl that [ha 8oerd of Commissioners <br />auppod increasetl regulation antl related infrasimcture for recycling and recovery of constNLMlon <br />and tlemolition waste: and <br />WHEREAS, the Board of Ccmmissioners has inmceted intentions to retluce antl recycle <br />increased amounts of cons[NC[ion and demolition materials In the future; antl <br />WHEREAS, the Boartl of Commissioners has recognized Iha neetl for a new local antl <br />environmentally sountl cpnstNC[ipn end demolition waste disposal option; antl <br />WHEREAS, the ecartl of Commissioners has cpnclubetl that the sling of any construction antl <br />demolition landfill must be accompanied by an aggressive regulatory antl recovery program; <br />WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners has examined several potential sites br s new landfill, <br />with only one candidate site remaining antler consideration; and <br />WHEREAS, the BoaN of Commissioners has given careful consideration tp the issue of <br />construction antl tlemolition tlispoeal: <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Orange County BoaN of Commiaeionare <br />endorse tlevelopment of a new constNCtion antl demoltion lantlfll in Orange County which, as <br />part of a master plan that emphasizes retluction antl recycling activities, will assure an <br />environmentally sound and convenient oplbn far managing the residual materials from local <br />generators of construction antl demolhion waste. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED Mat the Orange County Board of Commissioners designate the <br />Eubanks Road site (Tax Map References: ].i8_Zl, ].18.. 2]E, and ].16..2]F) atljacen[to <br />existing solitl waste facilities as the Iccation for the new construction antl tlemolition lantlfll. <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED Mat the Orenga ComM1y BoaN of Commissioners'. <br />• authorize local government approval of the site in conformance with .0504(1 )(e)(p, <br />• authorize Me Director of Planning to provides zoning letter in conformance with <br />,0504(1 )(e)(ii), <br />• authorize Me Manager to proceed with acquisdion and pertniHing of the site, <br />