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6 <br /> provided for each center. He said a third center will be opening, with CHCCS Board approval, <br /> on October 1st at the University United Methodist Church, which can take about 50 students. He <br /> said students that are involved in these programs have an average state test score of 2.5 or <br /> lower. <br /> Dr. Jim Causby said staff has serious concerns around safety when considering <br /> returning to school. He said the district is trying to educate staff, and holding science <br /> collaborative webinars. He said CHCCS is opening smaller programs to help staff see that <br /> things can happen safely if precautions are in place, including the road drivers education <br /> program. He said CHCCS is also ready to open up for athletics. <br /> Dr. Jim Causby said the SNAC committee met this week, and has exciting ideas. He <br /> said Dr. Felder gave a wonderful explanation of the Science Collaborative, and the collaborative <br /> has more than 50 members. He said CHCCS jumped on child nutrition issues a long time <br /> before he re-joined the district, but he wanted to brag on that concern. He said the District <br /> jumped on grants, and 600,000 meals have been distributed to students and families, providing <br /> breakfast, lunch, and food for weekends. <br /> Charlos Banks said 2019-2020 data has 78 CHCCS students experiencing homeless <br /> with the majority coming from the elementary level; 74% are African American; 10% are <br /> Caucasian; and less than 10% Latino and Asian. She said social workers are keeping track of <br /> these students and connecting them to resources and help. <br /> Charlos Banks said Dr. Causby and the Public School Foundation made a call to the <br /> community and raised $100,000 to help students and families secure housing, and being safe <br /> while practicing remote learning. She said CHCCS received a McKinney-Ventos 3-year grant of <br /> $15,000 per year. She said due to the school closure, the district could not follow through with <br /> traditional plans, but is working on other options. <br /> Charlos Banks said CHCCS has 21 fulltime school nurses who have been at the <br /> forefront during this health pandemic. She said regular health items, such as immunizations <br /> and health screenings, still need to be maintained. She said nurses are still working with <br /> students to manage chronic conditions, doing wellness checks at the learning labs, and <br /> partnering with the Health Department on all manner of things. <br /> Dr. Jim Causby said the CHCCS Board of Education was wise to budget and order <br /> Chrome books and iPads for students very early on. He said many systems across the State <br /> are waiting on technology. He said Wake County Schools is waiting on 18,000 pieces of <br /> equipment. He said CHCCS has issued 12,000 devices, 1,400 hotspots and an additional 270 <br /> hotspots for staff. He said CHCCS does not have the same connectivity issues as OCS, but <br /> there are some tricky spots. He said CHCCS has a contract with T-Mobile, with no data caps or <br /> throttling. He said some areas do not have T-Mobile service, and AT&T has provided hotpsots. <br /> He said if virtual learning continues into the next year, CHCCS would need to rethink its <br /> structure. He said technology staff is supporting far more devices than normal, and have <br /> become the tech support for all families in the district. He said at some point in time the Board <br /> would have to update the technology department. <br /> Dr. Jim Causby said SROs have been received both positively and negatively. He said <br /> the CHCCS Board has charged him with creating a taskforce to look at the issue, which should <br /> begin meeting by the middle of October. He said the taskforce will look at data, expenditures, <br /> student/staff experience, etc. He said the taskforce will meet as many times as necessary, and <br /> is not charged with reaching any particular goal. He said CHCCS collaborates with OCS in <br /> many things, but noted that the two districts are very different, and he would recommend <br /> maintaining two separate task forces that will share information with each other. <br />