Orange County NC Website
just one site but they have an interactive Google map that expands significantly <br />and they have a specific Facebook account for Orange County. <br /> <br />Hirni will report to the PRC again with a quarterly update in December. <br /> <br />c. Proposed changes to the Capital Investment Plan 2020-2025. Stancil presented a <br />document of CIP priorities that will go to the BOCC September 10. He went through <br />each year’s priorities, based on the amended CIP that was adopted by the BOCC <br />during the budget process. Council members noted that they agreed with the <br />director’s prioritizations, and request that a letter be drafted in support of Blackwood <br />Farmhouse funding be addressed this year. <br /> <br /> <br />V. Old Business <br />a. Lands Legacy Action Plan 2021-2023 Priorities – Stancil posted a written report on <br />the screen based on the previous month’s meeting. Four different advisory boards <br />are working on this and the priority is the have staff work with the County Manager to <br />get something for the BOCC to review after the first of the year. Based on the <br />previous PRC meeting MST acquisitions were the top priority. Also possibly doing <br />some sort of random sample survey of Bingham residents to gauge interest in buying <br />and construction of the planned Bingham District Park. Those are the two items that <br />are Lands Legacy items. Also notes of interest from PRC discussion include 1) <br />Status of the multimodal trail proposed between Hillsborough and Chapel <br />Hill/Carrboro 2) Cultural and natural resource opportunities are part of future parks. <br /> <br />VI. Report of the Director –Dave Stancil stated that Chris Sousa, Recreation <br />Superintendent, will report to the board next month regarding the changes to <br />programming due to COVID. He also outlined changes for parks based on the <br />Governor’s phase 2.5 regulations going into effect <br /> <br />VII. Council and Committee Reports <br />a. Intergovernmental Parks Work Group (next meeting Oct 14) – It is not known if this <br />meeting will be held due to COVID. <br /> <br />VIII. The meeting adjourned at 8:00PM. The next meeting will be held virtually (pending County <br />Manager’s approval) October 7, 2020, 6:30pm.