Orange County NC Website
Menmr,nanm <br />To: ur. Steve Halkiutis, 8oerd ofOrmge County Commissioners <br />From: Roger Bart, Solid Waste Adviory BOmd <br />Subject: Resolution Recommending Funding far Rngera Aced Water Supply <br />Date: Jone 18.2001 <br />Attached is a resolution passed by the Solid Wane Advisory Boeal (SWAB) <br />mending funding mechanisms ro wppty municipal watmN Ne hi¢kvic Rogers <br />Road neighborhoods ]Te objective ofthe SWAB in this matter Fes bcen to propose en <br />equimbla mahmism to assist individual homeowners and other propmy owners in the <br />neighborhood to avail themeclvice the benefit ofthe municipal water supply brought m <br />Nair neighborheoq while keeping in mind the broader interests oFthc county and its <br />citizens m rcsolvWgNe long-smvdivg wnceins surrounding this issue The reaoWtion <br />addrcsaee five cost components ofprovidivg muNcipal water supplytothose homes that <br />ow use well water: cosine, OWASA availability fees and watt meters, plumbing <br />"dowmveem" of the water meter, bin omside the house, imedor plumbing aM paymem <br />of vwnNly water bills. <br />Tne resoW[ion recommends that public funds, primarily ffom Ne Solid Weate <br />Mmegemmt DepaNnom reserveq be used to pay for all ws[s except [he interior <br />plumbing and payment Ofmonthly water bills.'[he mains ere eawnated m cou abom <br />5550,000 avdthe ocher publicly financed partiorm ofthe rymem about 5295,000. The <br />SWAB also recommends making loins Por interior plumbing to individuals wM mat e <br />ears test Such loans would na be uMertakm by the Solid Waste Managemm[ <br />Depummvt but by some other public mnhy. No public payment for mombly water <br />consumption was recommended. <br />Tho SWAB diamesions were illumi~w[ed by av inventor afpropcliea w tha <br />veigJaborbood that was developed by one oCNe SWAB membmq W Ian Sassmmn, <br />wbrWvgwiN the soft. Awpy oftlfet inventory is i~wluded in case YCU wish to uacafor <br />reference. <br />Plea¢e let me know ayou have my [pRhM question <br />