Orange County NC Website
8 <br />DATE: July 21, 2003 <br />TO: John Link, County Manager <br />FROM: Wilbert McAdoo, Public Works Director <br />RE: RICHARD E. WHITTED HUMAN SERVICES RENOVATIONS/ UPDATE <br />The renovation work at REWHS A Building is progressing. The HVAC and electrical demolition <br />work is 95 % complete. The asbestos abatement project for the floor the in the basement level <br />is complete. The bat guano abatement project is complete. The basement level new ductwork is <br />75% complete. <br />On May 20, 2003, The Orange County Board of Commissioners authorized the manager to <br />approve and staff to execute any change orders, not to exceed a cumulative total of $100,000 <br />that may become necessary through August 19, 2003. The staff communicated that we would <br />provide the BOCC with a written report on the nature and scope upon the manager's approval <br />of such change orders. <br />As the drop ceilings were removed we discovered 4 hidden structural conditions, which required <br />change orders to address. The first condition relates to the structural problems mentioned in the <br />May 16, 2003 memorandum from Public Works Director, Wilbert McAdoo re: Richard E. <br />Whiffed Human Services /Update. Bilger Engineering inspected the roof and ceiling structure <br />and identified failed or inadequate structural elements in four different areas. Bilger Engineering <br />conducted inspections performed analysis and developed drawings and specifications to correct <br />the structural problems. <br />The work includes: <br />1. In the area above the main library where the stacks are located, the work involves the <br />replacement of 2 wood roof truss, repair to ceiling joist, installation of roof drains and removal of <br />plaster and replacement with drywall. <br />2. In the front section of the library, wood joist, wood beams and wood bearing walls that <br />support the office area in several locations do not have adequate support. In all these locations <br />new 2X12 wood beams will be installed <br />