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35 <br /> <br /> Frank Csapo said this will be a master plan development, and there will be an 1 <br />architectural review committee that will review all plans and aesthetics. 2 <br /> Michael Harvey said it will still be hard to enforce these conditions. He said an 3 <br />architectural committee means nothing to him. 4 <br /> Commissioner Greene said perhaps it should not be included at all. 5 <br /> Craig Benedict said that would be his opinion as well. 6 <br /> Michael Harvey said there are architectural design standards in the Orange County 7 <br />UDO, and the Applicant was recommended to address similar compliance points. He said this 8 <br />does some of that, but the language does not allow him to definitively allow for violations. 9 <br /> Commissioner Dorosin asked if those standards can be imported here to make 10 <br />determinations. 11 <br /> Michael Harvey said that was a suggestion, and the conditions here were taken from the 12 <br />application narrative. He said the Applicant took its lead from Settlers Point, but there is some 13 <br />specificity missing here that was in Settlers Point. 14 <br /> Chair Rich asked if the language from the UDO could be added here. 15 <br /> Michael Harvey said he will work with the Applicant to attempt to improve the language. 16 <br /> Commissioner Price said “harmonious and compatible” is vague and can mean different 17 <br />things to different people. She said she would like more specificity to aid with enforcement. 18 <br /> Frank Csapo said there are photographic examples in the application materials of these 19 <br />items. 20 <br /> Chair Rich said the next item is the parking lot layout. 21 <br /> Michael Harvey said the application does not address all the possible permitted land 22 <br />uses, and if more parking would be needed. 23 <br /> Frank Csapo said the Applicant has addressed this issue, and there is typically too many 24 <br />parking spaces made with large development. He said these spaces will accommodate the use. 25 <br /> Commissioner Greene said this answer makes sense to her. She asked if “general 26 <br />office use” can be explained. 27 <br /> Frank Csapo said a typical warehouse building has 5% office occupied space, and that 28 <br />portion will be built out as office area. He said office square footage would apply to that area, 29 <br />and industrial square footage would apply to the rest of the open area. 30 <br /> Commissioner Price asked if the Developer knows the breakdown of the property use 31 <br />percentages. 32 <br /> Frank Csapo said no, but the office space will be minimal. 33 <br /> Chair Rich said she hears a difference between the Developer and staff’s description. 34 <br /> Michael Harvey said this is what the Applicant has proposed, and he has no comfort 35 <br />level on this proposal. 36 <br /> Commissioner Marcoplos said he would favor less parking wherever possible, and to 37 <br />trust the Developer on this. 38 <br /> Chair Rich said the next issues are setbacks and buffers. 39 <br /> Commissioner Price said she is concerned about setbacks. She said Orange County 40 <br />already has setback standards, based on a variety of reasons, and asked if the Applicant could 41 <br />justify its reduction of these setbacks. 42 <br /> Frank Csapo put a map on the screen, and said he does not agree that the Applicant is 43 <br />not complying with County buffers, as there is a 100 foot building buffer around the south and 44 <br />west boundaries of the property. He said there are logistical issues associated with the property 45 <br />that are immutable boundaries that are fixed, and around which the Applicant must work. He 46 <br />said there is a flood plain, a Duke power easement, and an additional County boundary. He 47 <br />said given these immutable objects the project must adjust accordingly. 48 <br /> Commissioner Price said she wants to preserve the 100-foot no build buffer. 49 <br /> Frank Csapo said there are no adjacent property owners that have houses near the 50 <br />property. He said there is a 100-foot building buffer all the way around, and a no build 50-foot 51