Planning Board - 110420 Agenda Packet
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Orange County Planning Board
Planning Board - 110420 Agenda Packet
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Last modified
10/29/2020 10:53:22 AM
Creation date
10/29/2020 10:49:20 AM
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110420 Virtual Planning Board Minutes
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D R A F T <br />If they can’t make the meeting at least they had the chance to get their thoughts on paper and we’ve had a chance to read 225 <br />them. 226 <br /> 227 <br />Perdita Holtz: I think Google Groups something we can look into. I know that when it’s sent to that group it actually goes 228 <br />to each of the Commissioners and it goes on the Google Groups site to be archived and we don’t necessarily want you to 229 <br />be getting a hundred emails sent to you. I will talk to IT and find out what options are available. We do anticipate that Bu-230 <br />cee’s may be on the November agenda so I will work with David and Adam as Chair and Vice-Chair to come up with the 231 <br />language to be included on the agenda that will detail all this information from tonight. 232 <br /> 233 <br />Jon Lorusso: I find it troubling, some of the suggestions aimed at limiting input from the public. Things like capping the 234 <br />amount of time and then everyone else has to send comments. Who knows who is reading those emails? I ignore emails 235 <br />on a daily basis. Or I already have an opinion and if this doesn’t coincide with my opinion, I’m not going to read it. At least 236 <br />at a meeting I had an impression that people I’m looking at are listening to me. I didn’t get that sense at some meetings I 237 <br />did speak at. I think the Board of Commissioners did do it right, they take a list of people at the get go, they cap it at 238 <br />whoever signed up and if they need to split if over multiple meetings, that’s fine. I don’t like the suggestion that if you said 239 <br />something that someone else said, you shouldn’t be allowed to speak. Maybe I’m going to say it differently, use different 240 <br />words that will get through to someone. Maybe I’ll say it with more passion or more emotion and it will ring true in your 241 <br />ears. The suggestion that I said something that someone already said and it is therefore not necessary to speak it again 242 <br />that doesn’t sound fair to me. Not to mention the fact that, why shouldn’t I be allowed to say what has been said already, 243 <br />it’s my opportunity to speak. I don’t like those ideas, I think if anything, we should be looking for ways to get more and 244 <br />more people involved and I understand that it is your time and this is a volunteer board and if you allow everyone to speak 245 <br />and it goes to 11:30 then a lot of people drop off. I have to put my kids to bed right now and I waited to until 7:44 to speak. 246 <br />As the meetings go later and later, more people drop off and are disenfranchised that way. If you cap it earlier, people are 247 <br />disenfranchised that way. I think we need to make it so that as many people who want to speak, can speak and not only 248 <br />that we should be encouraging more and more people from the public. Going back to RTLP there were people who were 249 <br />in favor of that project who didn’t speak because why would they? Really, why are they going to take time out of their 250 <br />Wednesday night to come speak about something that doesn’t bother them or interest them at all. The only people who 251 <br />are going to speak are the people who are directly influenced by it. But getting more input is always good. There are 252 <br />things we don’t think of that someone’s unique view on the world, they raise a point and it causes you to think about 253 <br />something in a way you hadn’t before. I don’t think we should be restricting the public input in any way possible we should 254 <br />be doing everything we can to encourage more and more people to get involved. 255 <br /> 256 <br />David Blankfard: Do we need to make a motion? 257 <br /> 258 <br />Perdita Holtz: Maybe you should make a motion because we do want to implement it, potentially, for the next meeting and 259 <br />not bring this back for you to look at again. Go ahead and make a motion for staff to work with what you gave us this 260 <br />evening and for us to work with the Chair and Vice-Chair for the language that will be on the agenda for public information 261 <br />for the November meeting. 262 <br /> 263 <br />Randy Marshall: You stated it very well in your summary comments so if you state it again, I’ll make that the motion. 264 <br /> 265 <br />David Blankfard: That at the beginning of each meeting, the Board will determine when they plan to recess and take a log 266 <br />of number of people who want to speak and we will determine who will speak that night, the Board will determine when we 267 <br />will have a continuance to hear the remainder of the people signed up to speak on the topic. In between those two 268 <br />meetings anyone who is registered to speak can instead write what they want to say. The final wording will be determined 269 <br />by Chair and Vice-Chair. 270 <br /> 271 <br />Carrie Fletcher arrived 272 <br /> 273 <br />Randy Marshall: So moved. 274 <br /> 275 <br />Kim Piracci: Clarification, so that means that additional people can’t speak at the second meeting? 276 <br /> 277 <br />David Blankfard: That’s correct, you have to be registered at the first meeting. 278 <br /> 279 <br />11
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