Orange County NC Website
<br /> <br /> <br />5 NELSON MULLINS RILEY & SCARBOROUGH LLP <br /> For informational purposes only. Past success does not indicate the likelihood of success in any future legal representation. <br /> <br />I. OVERVIEW AND INTRODUCTION <br />SECTION 1-1 INTRODUCTION, PURPOSE AND INTENT <br /> <br />The master planned concept for Efland Station (the “Project” or “Efland Station”) is to create a mixed-use <br />unified development providing a variety of retail, service, hotel, dining, and light industrial/office flex space <br />uses consistent with the Orange County 2030 Comprehensive Plan adopted November 18, 2008 (the <br />“Comprehensive Plan”) and the governing Efland-Mebane Small Area Plan which supports “retail and other <br />commercial uses and/or manufacturing and other industrial uses” for the area. The Project and its mixture <br />of uses will be designed in a manner consistent with the guiding principles of the Efland-Mebane Small <br />Area Plan and the County’s Unified Development Ordinance (“Ordinance” or “UDO”) to ensure quality site <br />and architectural design, significant open space preservation, landscaping and buffer treatment protections <br />for adjoining properties, appropriate water and sewer infrastructure installations, an improved roadway <br />network, and streetscape improvements supporting vehicular and pedestrian connectivity and appropriate <br />access management. <br /> <br />In addition to providing mixed uses as contemplated by the Efland-Mebane Small Area Plan, the Project <br />will be anchored by a Buc-ee’s Travel Center. Buc-ee’s is an iconic family travel destination (not a truck <br />stop) that will offer fuel, fresh food, unique merchandise, and famously clean restrooms to North Carolina <br />residents and visitors. Together with the light industrial and other master planned commercial uses, Buc- <br />ee’s will generate substantial tax benefits and create well -paying job opportunities to area residents as <br />desired by the Comprehensive Plan and the Efland-Mebane Small Area Plan. <br /> <br />Given the scope and mixed-use nature of the Project, it is appropriate to submit the Project rezoning through <br />an application for a Master Plan Development Conditional Zoning District (MPD-CZ), the purpose of which <br />is to: <br /> <br />… provide for unified large-scale subdivisions, non-residential, and mixed-use developments that <br />promote economical and efficient land use, improved level of amenities, appropriate and <br />harmonious variety, creative design, and a better environment through the approval of a general <br />Master Plan. <br /> <br />To that end, and in accordance with the provision of Section 2.9.2 of the (UDO), we hereby submit this <br />application request to rezone the approximately 104.55 acres of land generally depicted on Sheet C1.0 (the <br />Property”) to the Master Plan Development Conditional Zoning (MPD-CZ) designation to allow for the <br />development of the Project consistent with the land uses, development standards and other terms and <br />provisions of this rezoning plan (including these Development Standards and accompanying Sheets, the <br />“Rezoning Plan”). <br /> <br />As such, this Rezoning Plan contains the standards and guidelines to be utilized by the County to evaluate <br />various development projects submitted for approval within the Property, as outlined in the Table of <br />Contents above. <br /> <br />The Project is designed with consideration of the continuity and protection of surrounding land uses and <br />existing, on-site, environmental features by utilizing generous land use buffers and providing large scale <br />open space areas totaling at least 38% of the Project (as more particularly described below). <br /> <br />The Project is designed with consideration of the continuity and protection of surrounding land uses and <br />existing, on-site, environmental features by utilizing generous land use buffers and providing <br />preserved/dedicated open space areas totaling 23.04 acres of the Project (as more particularly described <br />9