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visits were limited. Billing staff have also worked diligently to collect as much revenue as <br />possible from Medicaid and insurance companies from older accounts. We anticipate <br />this trend toward increased revenue will continue to improve as the medical clinic <br />gradually adds more in-person visits based on PPE availability and staff capacity. <br />Medical clinic revenue totals $133k for first quarter FY 20-21 compared to $130k in first <br />quarter FY 19-20. <br /> <br />Environmental Health Earned Revenue by Source: Environmental Health earned <br />revenue is slightly below the budgeted projection for FY 20-21 ($53k/month) at <br />$48.4k/month. It is a seasonal trend to see lower revenue in the first quarter of the year <br />than in later quarters due to spring pool inspections. EH staff have worked hard to <br />continue OSWP inspections during the pandemic with little to no in-person required of <br />residents. <br /> <br /> <br />Grants Fund Revenue: <br />FSA has drawn $200k of the multi-year Kenan grant. Expenditures are tracking as <br />anticipated and will continue to increase as we fill the vacant Navigator position in <br />November. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Recommended Action: ___Approve <br /> ___Approve & forward to Board of Commissioners for action <br /> ___Approve & forward to ____________________ <br /> _X_Accept as information <br /> ___Revise & schedule for future action <br /> ___Other (detail):