Orange County NC Website
Proooaed Paliw Obiactivas <br />Consistent with these ¢otiene, previously-adopted criteria and the concepts of <br />joint planning, the following policy statement objectives are auggeeted tv both <br />reiterate sad clari{v the context of County finev¢el participation in Toga <br />parka and open apace projects: <br />1. S. a jurisdiction wishes to introduce u candidate project for potential <br />County funding, the proposal should follow the folowing process: <br />• A written xequeat should be submitted W the Board of Commissioners <br />• The request will be referred to the IoterGovemmeatal Parka QP) Work <br />Group for a remmmendaGan. The IP Work Group will be used as the <br />"sounding board" fox poceatieljoint pazks pxojecte, especially those <br />proposed fox Csunty &vavcial pazti©patiov <br />• If the propoced project would be co-located with a school, a <br />recommendation from the Schools and Lend Uae Council shall be <br />solicited <br />• The Board o£ Commissioners will then review the recomme¢dation(e) ' <br />cad make a decision on "conditional approval" of the joint pxpjeM <br />(using adopted criteria and this policy statement) <br />2. Arly proposed project for Couvty funding must be comistent with the <br />Boazd'a adopted criteria and guidelines of December Z, 1999 (amended <br />Yfrtiv 3, 2000), wkich specifies eligibility ofpmjecte, locatioval criteria and <br />matching fuvd expectations. ('Phn adopted criteria am provided fle <br />Attachment 1). <br />9. If s project receives conditional approval from the Board of Commisaiomra <br />(nee item 1 above), a Joint Perks Statement of Ivtevt will be signed by the <br />jurisdiction in question. The Statement oflntent verifies the juriadictiou e <br />agreement to comprehensively involve the County m the perk planning <br />avd construction process. Aebursement of funds will not occur until the <br />appropriate crepe m the Statemeht bf Intent proeeas have been met. The <br />Board ofCommissionera will be comprehensively involved iv approve] o£ <br />the park project, ae follower <br />Joint approval of Concept Plan Committee appointmevte <br />• Joint approval ov the hiring of eouaultante <br />• Joint approval of the concept plan (including pazk uses) <br />• Joint approval ofthe timetable for project activities avd consWCtio¢ <br />(or uny like step) <br />• Joivv approval of the projec[eite plane and co~truction phazing <br />(please ses objective 6 below) <br />