Orange County NC Website
Page 6 of 6Version1.0 <br />Fourth Quarter (July, August, September) <br />• Attend all GHSP meetings and events. <br />• Conduct a minimum of one county coordinator meeting. <br />• Meet with a minimum of three non-participating/reporting agencies within the Region. <br />• Collect monthly LECC reports and compile into the regional quarterly report. <br />• Attend and/or conduct minimum two nighttime seat belt initiatives. <br />• Conduct/provide support for a minimum of 3 presentations using the DWI Simulator <br />• Conduct/provide support for a minimum of 2 presentations using the Convincer <br />AGENCY AUTHORIZING SIGNATURE <br />I have read and accept terms and conditions of the grant funding and attached the Grant Agreement. The information <br />supplied in this application is true to the best of my knowledge. <br />Name: Timothy B. Whitehurst PIN ****Date:Sep 29, 2020 <br />NCDOT AUTHORIZING SIGNATURE <br />Name: Mark Ezzell, Director PIN ****Date: Jul 10, 2020 <br />Note: <br />1. Submitting grant application is not a guarantee of grant being approved. <br />2. Once form has been submitted, it cannot be changed unless it has a status of "Return". <br />8