Orange County NC Website
g <br />AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk to this Board is <br />authorized and d'vected ro tt'arismit a certified copy of this resolution to Ne Orange <br />County Board of Elections within three days after triday; <br />AND BH IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Clerk to this Boazd is <br />autMrized ant directed to publish mice of such band referenda as required by <br />Section 159fi1 of the General Statutes; <br />AND BE IT FUATBb31 RESOLVED that the respective balla questions <br />shall be tu the following forms: <br />Shall the order authoring up to $47,000,000 of Orange County general <br />obligation bonds to pay capital casts of providing school faci]ides and paying related <br />costs, as adopted by the Cwnty's Boazd of Commissioners on September 4, 2001, <br />be approved? <br />ORANGE COUNTY BONDS FOR PARKS, <br />Shall the order authorizing up to $20,000,000 of Orange County general <br />obligation bonds m pay capital costs of providmg parka, oprn space and recreational <br />facilities and paying related roars, as adopted by the Counry's Board of <br />Commissioners on September 4, 2001, be approved? <br />O O <br />Shall the order authorizing up m $4,000,000 of Orange County general <br />obBgatton bonds to pay capital costs of providing senior cemers ant paying related <br />costs, as atlopted by the Cotmry's BoaN of Commissioners on September 4, 2001, <br />be approved? <br />eONOOROADOPTATlY1904 <br />