Orange County NC Website
<br />Orange County’s population and economy consistent with other <br />Comprehensive Plan element goals and objectives. <br />The County and Town of Hillsborough have engaged in <br />numerous studies/joint planning efforts over the last 20 years <br />identifying area viable for the extension of utilities (i.e. water <br />and sewer) in support of high intensity residential and non- <br />residential land uses. <br />In 2017, these efforts led to the adoption of the Town of <br />Hillsborough and Orange County Central Orange <br />Coordinated Area (COCA) Land Use Plan. <br />This plan indicates the area in question is intended to <br />support ‘Employment’ and ‘Suburban Office Complex’ land <br />use categories, specifically areas that are best suited to <br />allow for the development of light industrial/manufacturing, <br />office, research/development, and service/warehousing <br />operations. <br />The requested rezoning will allow development consistent <br />with the overall spirit and intent of the adopted <br />Comprehensive Plan as well as applicable joint planning <br />efforts completed by the County and the Town. <br />• Objective LU-1.1: Coordinate the location of higher intensity / high <br />density residential and non-residential development with existing or <br />planned locations of public transportation, commercial and <br />community services, and adequate supporting infrastructure (i.e., <br />water and sewer, high-speed internet access, streets, and <br />sidewalks), while avoiding areas with protected natural and cultural <br />resources. This could be achieved by increasing allowable <br />densities and creating new mixed-use zoning districts where <br />adequate public services are available. (See also Economic <br />Development Objectives ED-2.1, ED-2.3, ED-2.10, and Water and <br />Wastewater Objective WW-2.) <br />The atlas amendment is consistent with this goal and <br />objective with the approval of a rezoning of property creating a <br />district allowing for the development of high density non- <br />residential land uses in an area of the County designated for <br />the location of adequate supporting infrastructure (i.e. water <br />and sewer). <br /> <br />c. The amendment is reasonable and in the public interest because it: <br />1. Expands economic development prospects within the County while <br />continuing to protect adjacent and nearby land uses. <br />The atlas amendment involves the approval of a master plan <br />establishing a detailed list of allowable non-residential land uses to <br />aid in the marketing on an area designated within the <br />Comprehensive Plan as being suitable for high intensity non- <br />residential development. <br />The expansion is consistent with County and Town of Hillsborough <br />plans outlining those parcels suitable for service by water/sewer <br />that are prime for high intensity non-residential development. <br />9