Orange County NC Website
iii. PIN 9862-99-8894: An approximately 12 acre parcel currently split <br />zoned Rural Residential (R-1) and Rural Buffer (RB). <br />NOTE: The RB zoned portion of property, along Davis Road, <br />is not impacted by this approval and will remain zoned RB. <br />This area shall remain either in undisturbed open space, used <br />to support required utility improvements consistent with Town <br />of Hillsborough or County requirements, or to support external <br />roadway improvement(s) consistent with County and NC <br />Department of Transportation requirement(s). <br />c. The Zoning Atlas for Orange County shall be designated MPD-CZ. <br />Development shall be in accordance with the approved application packet, <br />master concept plan, and the conditions detailed herein. <br />II. SITE PLAN: In addition to the requirements of Section 2.5 Site Plan Review of <br />the UDO, development applications within the Project shall provide the following <br />additional information as part of the site plan application process: <br />a. All site plans proposing development within the Project shall be reviewed <br />by Town of Hillsborough staff as part of existing courtesy review <br />agreements; <br />b. All site plans shall provide detail denoting the anticipated daily water and <br />sewer needs for proposed land use(s); <br />c. Consistent with existing inter-local utility agreements between Orange <br />County and the Town of Hillsborough, the Project has a utility allotment of <br />108,000 gallons a day of water/sewer service. Site plans proposing <br />development/land uses exceeding this daily allotment shall be required to <br />provide documentation from the Town of Hillsborough indicating there is <br />sufficient water and sewer capacity to serve the proposed development. <br />A lack of water and/or sewer capacity shall result in the denial of the site <br />plan; <br />d. Prior to the approval of a site plan allowing development within the Project, <br />the County shall require documentation from the Town of Hillsborough <br />indicating there is sufficient water and sewer capacity to serve the project. <br />A lack of water and/or sewer capacity for a proposed use shall result in the <br />denial of the site plan; <br />e. The Orange County and Town of Hillsborough Fire Marshal(s), in <br />consultation with the Town of Hillsborough Utility Director, shall review and <br />approve location(s) of proposed water and sewer lines prior to the initiation <br />of land disturbing activity; <br />f. The Orange County and Town of Hillsborough Fire Marshal(s) shall review <br />and offer comment on: <br />i. Road layout and construction methodology, <br />13