Orange County NC Website
/_ <br />each bill and/or notice when requested. Bills and/or notices will be printed on <br />cazd stock and perforated. Minor changes to the format of bills and/or notices <br />will be made by TBI when requested by OCHD at no additional charge. <br />3. Handling. TBI shall have the ability to print and handle all bills and/or notices <br />far OCFID. TBI will perforate bills and/or notices; meter the cazd stock with the <br />appropriate postage; sort, bundle, tray and deliver to the main branch office of the <br />U.S. Postal Service in Fayetteville, North Cazolina, all bills and/or notices in a <br />timely manner. <br />4. Time. Within one or two business days of the receipt by TBI of collection <br />information from OCHD, TBI will perform the necessary computer processing, <br />printing and handling services described in this agreement and deliver the bills <br />and/or notices to the U.S. Post Office, main branch office, Fayetteville, North <br />Carolina. TBI expressly recognized that time is of the essence. TBI will take the <br />necessary steps to insure that OCHD's bills and/or notices, which requires bills <br />and/or notices to go out on a daily basis will not be interrupted. TBI shall <br />maintain a relationship with other reliable bill and/or notice processing and <br />mailing services to insure that no significant interruption of service occurs should <br />TBI encounter obstacles preventing it from performing the services set forth <br />herein at its location in Fayetteville, North Carolina. Such back up service shall <br />be at not additional cost to OCHD but TBI shall notify OCHD immediately if it <br />becomes necessary to use a backup service and provide OCHD with the details of <br />the same. TBI will obtain confidentially agreements from such services, which <br />aze as inclusive as the confidentiality provisions agreed to by TBI, prior to TBI <br />providing the back up services with any information from OCHD. <br />S. Postal. TBI will maintain at its expense the necessary postal equipment to affix <br />postage to each of OCHD's bills and/or notices. TBI will provide OCI-iD with an <br />accounting of postage chazges on a monthly basis. TBI also will maintain the <br />necessary soflwaze to receive the lazgest postage discounts for which OCHD may <br />qualify and shall maintain up-to-date knowledge as to all U.S. mail regulations far <br />bulk mailings. TSI shall utilize bar coding and arrange/sort the mail to quality far <br />the lowest postage chazge consistent with USPS's standazds. TBI shall maintain <br />the necessary documentation and equipment to be able to track mail through the <br />postal system. Further, TBI shall update zip codes for OCHD's customers with <br />every bill and/or notice cycle. TBI shall provide OCHD with a monthly manifest <br />which shows details of the total bills and/or notices printed, mailed and dollars <br />billed to OCHD for postage and services. TBI shall also make periodic <br />recommendations for improving mail deliverability, postage savings, and <br />reducing mail cost. <br />