Orange County NC Website
Meeting Summary <br /> Date: December 4, 2019 <br /> Place: Environment and Agricultural Center Conference Room <br /> PRESENT: Haywood Rhodes; Robert Robinson; John Greeson; Cecily Kritz; Alice Armstrong <br /> (CHP&R Commission) <br /> ABSENT: Michael Zelek; Gina Reyman; Tim Tippin; Rachel Cotter; Tim Braddy; Robert Smith <br /> STAFF: Lynn Hecht; David Stancil <br /> I. Call to Order: Introductions. Due to the lack of a quorum, the group decided to proceed <br /> with non-action items in a work session. All the board introduced themselves. <br /> II. Additions or Changes to Agenda, Meeting Summary: No comments were made <br /> about the November meeting summary. <br /> III. Report of the Chair: Membership/Vacancies: There are now two vacancies, one for the <br /> Hillsborough Town Limits position and one for the Cedar Grove Township position. Four <br /> applications were made available for review. The board could not make a <br /> recommendation because there was not a quorum. <br /> IV. New Business <br /> a. Blackwood Farm Park Disc Golf-Organizational Meeting. On December 12, there will <br /> be an organizational meeting with those interested in the development of Disc Golf at <br /> the Blackwood Farm Park. <br /> b. Approve 2020 Meeting Calendar. There were no changes mentioned. A possible tour <br /> prior to the May 6 meeting was discussed. <br /> V. Old Business <br /> a. Approval of 2019 Annual Report/2020 Work Plan. A copy of the plan was submitted <br /> by Stancil. The Council had an extended discussion about the plan. The Council <br /> wanted to be sure that the multi-modal trail item included connecting existing parks <br /> and trails. Stancil will email the revised report for review by the PRC before <br /> submittal. <br /> b. Report of the Director <br /> Project and initiative updates were discussed. River Park is almost complete. The <br /> steps are in and the sidewalk has been built. The entry way across from Weaver <br /> Street is being constructed. Paving of the area around the Farmer's Market is about <br /> to begin. The Link Building is currently shut down due to mold. All those offices have <br /> been relocated while a decision is made about the problem. The future of that site <br /> (adjacent to River Park) is uncertain. Recreation staff reports that the After School <br /> Program now has about 36 children with transportation included. Phase <br /> II planning discussions will begin soon. <br /> VI I. Council and Committee Reports <br /> a. Intergovernmental Parks Work Group (April 8) <br /> b. Items from the Council <br /> c. Friends of Orange County Parks and Recreation (FOPR) <br />