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2 <br /> e) Proposal by Orange County Solid Waste to pick up farm waste for recycling: Solid Waste is <br /> exploring the idea of providing some sort of farm waste recycling program;this could be a drop off <br /> or on site pickup. Members agreed that this waste was an issue and that such a program would be <br /> helpful.This could include batteries and oil. Farmers can easily generate 50-100 gallons a year; <br /> hauling oil is messy so pick up will help. Ag plastics are also issue. Ortosky will follow up. He also <br /> noted that they will welcome an APB member on the county's Econ. Development Advisory Board. <br /> f) New Members: Members reviewed current applicants. McAdams moved to recommend Sykes, <br /> Myers and McPherson to the BOCC for membership; seconded by Woods. Motion approved. <br /> 6. Items for Decision: <br /> a) New VAD/EVAD Applications(Attachment 2): Hughes presented the current applications listed <br /> below.All of these farms meet the requirements/criteria for VAD/EVAD enrollment. <br /> • Richard Samulski (Eno River Farm): 178.18 ac. for VAD, Schley-Eno Ag District. Strawberry and <br /> blueberry production and managed woodland. <br /> • Manly and Kathy Palmer: 3.39 ac.for VAD, Caldwell Ag District.They produce hogs and sheep. <br /> • William D. Berry and Amanda Berry: 236.15 acres for VAD, Caldwell Ag District. Farm produces <br /> Beef cattle with pasture and hay land, and managed woodland. <br /> • Portia McKnight: 12.17 acres for VAD, White Cross Ag District.This is a new parcel just acquired <br /> so being added to existing acreage in program. Farm is in dairy cattle and pasture. <br /> Saiers moved to approve all as a group, seconded by Finley; McKnight abstained. Motion carried. <br /> Hughes reported that these farms will bring us up to 15,339 acres in VAD and EVAD. Farms <br /> approved tonight and those from the November meeting will go to the BOCC in December. <br /> 7. Informational Items/Future Agenda Items: <br /> a. Ongoing issues with recording VAD agreements with Register of Deeds: Hughes explained how the <br /> signed agreements must be registered as per updated state law. Our Register of Deeds is now <br /> seeking to impose their regular recording charge of$26 per agreement. We don't have this money <br /> in our budget and it is questionable if one county agency should be paying another for this sort of <br /> service. Right now this is awaiting resolution, so she is not able to have these recorded. Other <br /> counties have resolved this issue so we hope to be able to work through this. <br /> b. Upcoming minor/technical ordinance revisions: Staff is still working on this and may need to add <br /> some language relating to the recording fee issues.This will be presented at a later meeting. <br /> 8. Time for Information Sharing: McKnight explained a recent issue she encountered with the PUV process <br /> when you transition from forestry to agriculture on a piece of land;there is a 3 year waiting period <br /> when you shift from forestry to agriculture. But forestry use requires 20 acres, so her 12 acre parcel <br /> won't qualify. Woods reported that registration will close tomorrow for the Tri-County Pasture Field <br /> Day at Hurdle Mills;there is also a Forage/Weeds seminar planned for Oct. 8; email her for more <br /> information. And the Exchange Club will have its annual fish fry this coming weekend. <br /> 9. Adjournment: Meeting adjourned at 8:52 pm. <br />