Agenda - 08-30-2001-
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 08-30-2001
Agenda - 08-30-2001-
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2 <br />Schools district and one new middle school in the Orange County Schools district. The Board <br />has not yet decided how much of the $47 million in school bonds will be allocated to these three <br />new school construction projects. <br />As the Board conducts its final deliberations regarding the projects for inclusion in the <br />November 2001 bond referendum, it will be helpful to remember that the Board will have some <br />flexibility to address a number of capital needs nat included`in the bond through other debt <br />financing mechanisms. From the outset of the Capital Needs Advisory. Task Force process in <br />March 2001, the BOCC has repeatedly indicated that there are more capital needs than can be <br />addressed solely through general obligation bonds. By limiting the total bond referendum to <br />$75 million, the Board has preserved additional debt capacity (through private placement loans, <br />Certificates of Participation (COPs), etc:) of roughly $5 - $7 million per year for the next four <br />years (based on assumptions of three annual bond sales of $25 million)., Additional debfi <br />financing at those levels will still allow the County to stay within the Board's policy of maintaining <br />annual debt service payments at 15 percent qr less of General Fund expenditures. During the <br />third agenda item on this August 30 work session, fihe BOCC will have the opportunity to <br />discuss in more detail those prajects that may be considered for alternafiive debt financing. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: The issuance aver a period of several years of $75 million in new <br />general obligation bonds, if approved by,the voters; will have an estimated cumulative maximum <br />flax rate impact of 7.1 to 7.5 cents per $100 assessed valuation in order to retire the debt. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board decide fihe amount of <br />each band order to be adopted at the September 4 regular meeting, and provide any other <br />appropriate direction to staff. <br />
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