BOH Agenda 092320
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Board of Health
BOH Agenda 092320
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Last modified
10/5/2020 2:17:01 PM
Creation date
10/5/2020 11:36:06 AM
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BOH Minutes of 092320
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MINUTES - Draft <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> August 26,2020 <br /> • Total Health Department Budget vs. Actuals: <br /> Average YTD monthly revenue in FY19-20 after the fourth quarter is $271 k/month or <br /> $3.3M YTD, representing 91.8% of our overall budgeted revenue for the year compared <br /> to last year, which was 91.6%. Expenses are above revenues, at 92% of the overall <br /> budget. This shows how well staff did in reducing expenditures in order to match <br /> decreased revenues during office closures. Additional state and federal funding to offset <br /> revenue shortages and support the pandemic response contributed to an almost equal <br /> percent of overall revenue received of what was budgeted to the prior fiscal year. <br /> • Total Billing Accuracy: <br /> The medical and dental billing accuracy measure continues to be a challenge as we <br /> work with UNC and the Dental EHR, Eaglesoft, to improve the accuracy of the reporting <br /> system for Health Department revenue and is not included in this quarter's dashboard. <br /> • Dental Earned Revenue by Source: <br /> The FY 19-20 average monthly revenue ($39k/month)for the fourth quarter is below our <br /> budget projection ($45k/month) and our FY 18-19 average of$46.6k/month. As <br /> anticipated, the dental clinic saw a more immediate, negative impact on revenues than <br /> the medical clinics as a result of the severely decreased operations and very limited <br /> appointments. We began seeing more patients in June when PPE was more readily <br /> available, which led to slightly higher than anticipated revenue totals for that time period. <br /> FY 19-20 dental earned revenue totaled $468k at the end of the fourth quarter compared <br /> to $559k at the end of the FY 18-19 fourth quarter. <br /> • Medical Earned Revenue by Source: <br /> Medical earned revenue is below the budgeted projection for FY 19-20 ($57k/month) at <br /> $40.1 k/month. Our billing team worked hard over the last quarter to correct and submit <br /> outstanding claims in the medical clinic in order to bring in as much revenue as possible, <br /> which helped insulate the medical clinic from the large revenue decrease experienced by <br /> the dental clinic. The medical clinic continued to have many telehealth visits and some <br /> in-person visits, which contributed to revenue receipts. Medical clinic revenue totals <br /> $482k after the fourth quarter FY 19-20 compared to $487k after fourth quarter FY 18- <br /> 19. <br /> • Environmental Health Earned Revenue by Source: <br /> Environmental Health earned revenue is below the budgeted projection for FY 19-20 <br /> ($54k/month) at $46k/month. Permanent staff in EH added WTMP inspections to their <br /> current workloads in order to complete them as required by the end of the fiscal year. EH <br /> staff did an amazing job and continued to inspect where able during the Stay at Home <br /> Order, which resulted in only a slight decrease in projected revenue for the remainder of <br /> the FY. FY 19-20 YTD revenue totals $552k compared to FY 18-19 YTD revenue of <br /> $594k. <br /> • Grants Fund Revenue: <br /> FSA has drawn $200k of the multi-year Kenan grant. Expenditures are tracking as <br /> anticipated and will continue to increase since we filled the vacant Navigator position in <br /> November. This position was dependent upon additional United Way funds in order to <br /> hire at the full time equivalent level, which were approved by the BOCC in September. <br /> The BOH members had questions and comments that were addressed by Ms. Crawford. <br /> S:\Managers Working Files\BOH\Agenda &Abstracts\2020 Agenda &Abstracts/ <br /> August Page 4 <br />
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