BOH Agenda 062420
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Board of Health
BOH Agenda 062420
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Last modified
10/5/2020 2:10:36 PM
Creation date
10/5/2020 11:32:54 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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BOH Minutes of 062420
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In times of knead:Radius Pizza owners balance business with compassion I Arts&Entertainment I <br /> "We're going to be following what the N.C. Health Department <br /> dictates, first and foremost," Kate said. "There's a lot of information <br /> that we received from the Orange County Health Department. The big <br /> things are we have to interview each of our employees every day <br /> before their shift starts, on whether they're having any symptoms, if <br /> they've been around anyone that has been diagnosed with COVID-19 <br /> within the last 14 days. Or been within six feet or less with them for <br /> 10 minutes or longer. If the answer to that is yes, then we have to <br /> send them home. The next question is whether the employee is <br /> having any symptoms. If the answer is yes, we send them home. The <br /> last is we ask them if they have been diagnosed with COVID-19 since <br /> the last time they came to work." <br /> Radius can normally have up to 91 people inside, with another 40 <br /> people on its patio. But the Phase 2 rules greatly reduce that number. <br /> "We have to decrease our seating now to a maximum of 50 percent <br /> occupancy inside the restaurant," Kate said. "The guests cannot be <br /> less than six-feet from each other. For some restaurants, that means <br /> they won't be able to have even 50 percent in their dining area. It's <br /> the same for bar seating. Technically, we're not allowed to have six <br /> people at a table together unless they are family. The groups of <br /> people cannot be under six feet from each other. We have a pretty <br /> big dining room. We could put more than 46 people in our restaurant, <br /> and people would be more than six feet from each other. But the law <br /> states that you can't have more than 50 percent of your occupancy. <br /> That includes your employees. If I've got five people in the kitchen, <br /> then I'm down to 41 customers. And then there's myself and three <br /> other staff, so now I'm down to 37 inside the restaurant. We don't <br /> know yet whether these numbers will make sense for us." <br /> Despite the limits and changes Radius is now going through, the <br /> owners said the community has been largely supportive and <br /> understanding. <br /> "The response has been 'we miss you.' 'We want you to reopen.' <br /> lea-94ec-933560024926.html[6/16/2020 8:49:03 PM] <br />
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