BOH Agenda 062420
Advisory Boards and Commissions - Active
Board of Health
BOH Agenda 062420
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Last modified
10/5/2020 2:10:36 PM
Creation date
10/5/2020 11:32:54 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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BOH Minutes of 062420
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In times of knead:Radius Pizza owners balance business with compassion I Arts&Entertainment I <br /> what's safe, what's not safe when it's easier for everybody to just say, <br /> `I'm not going to come into contact with anybody.' I completely <br /> understand and respect that perspective. We're going with the <br /> science, and we're going with the recommendations from the Orange <br /> County Health Department, from the CDC and also from alternative <br /> resources for information, like the New York Times and the <br /> Washington Post. There are ways we can engage with our <br /> communities in person that will still keep people safe. That's part of <br /> my job in our business. Taking all that information in, sifting through it <br /> and filtering it out. Reinterpreting it and then communicating that to <br /> our team so my employees can feel confident." <br /> Carroll and her husband place a high priority on their staff because <br /> they care deeply about them and consider them family. They also <br /> recognize the importance of customer interaction with the staff. This <br /> has been one of the challenges of working through the coronavirus <br /> crisis. <br /> "We're trying to figure out a way to convey that personal exchange as <br /> much as possible so it's not just like basically being a drive-thru. I <br /> hope it's better food! (Laughs). At the end of the day, you've got to <br /> bring more to the customers' experience than just the food. <br /> Beyond the human aspect, the Radius owners needed to tackle and <br /> figure out the best technology to bring the ordering experience to the <br /> customer in a way that made sense, and would be easy for them to <br /> navigate and communicates what it needs to communicate. <br /> "We closed on the 20th of March and we reopend on the 8th of April <br /> because we wanted to develop and online ordering system," Kate <br /> said. "The call-in ordering was not allowing our staff and the public to <br /> social distance in a way that we felt safe for either our staff or <br /> customers. It was still the early days of the virus. I think a lot of folks <br /> in the community had to adjust what they were used to. It's a beautiful <br /> thing that folks still want that level of interaction with our team, but our <br /> team wasn't able to meet that expectation. So, we closed so that we <br /> lea-94ec-933560024926.html[6/16/2020 8:49:03 PM] <br />
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