Orange County NC Website
MINUTES - Draft <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF HEALTH <br /> March 25, 2020 <br /> VI. Action Items (Non Consent) <br /> A. Environmental Health Rules Approval <br /> At the last Board of Health meeting, Victoria Hudson, Environmental Health Director, thoroughly <br /> reviewed the proposed rules. Since her presentation, the Orange County Attorney's Office has <br /> conducted a legal sufficiency review of the Rules which included 133 points. All points have <br /> been cleared. There was one change in the rules; the section on variances was removed. <br /> Motion to approve and adopt the revised Orange County Groundwater Rules was made <br /> by Bruce Baldwin, seconded by Alison Stuebe, and carried without dissent. <br /> B. Fluoride Recommendation Approval <br /> The Board of Health received the full fluoride report as part of the agenda packet. The Board of <br /> Health voted on the recommendation below. There was one grammatical error in the 3rd <br /> paragraph (which can be found on page 8 in the full report). The word "lead" was changed to <br /> "led". <br /> Board of Health Recommendation <br /> The Orange County Board of Health supports the continued fluoridation of Orange Water and <br /> Sewer Authority's water supply at the current levels as deemed effective for prevention of tooth <br /> decay and for promotion of good oral health. <br /> The Board of Health Ad Hoc Fluoride Committee conducted a process of: <br /> ➢ Obtaining public feedback on community water fluoridation <br /> ➢ Reviewing public feedback given at an OWASA public meeting <br /> ➢ Reviewing the latest recommendations from national health organizations including, but <br /> not limited to, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), North Carolina <br /> Department of Health and Human Services (NC DHHS), and American Dental <br /> Association (ADA) <br /> ➢ Reviewing medical, dental, and toxicological expert responses to public opposition of <br /> community water fluoridation <br /> The committee also considered the lack of naturally occurring fluoride in OWASA's <br /> reservoirs. This detailed process and the recognition by the CDC that community water <br /> fluoridation is one of the greatest public health achievements of the 201" century, led to the <br /> support of OWASA continuing community water fluoridation. <br /> Motion to approve the Board of Health Recommendation on OWASA fluoridation of <br /> water, including the corrected grammatical error, was made by Liska Lackey, seconded <br /> by Sam Lasris, and carried without dissent. <br /> Jessica Frega, Chair, thanked Beverly Scurry for all of her hard work. Mary Tiger, OWASA, <br /> also thanked Ms. Scurry and the Board of Health. <br /> C. BOH Appointments <br /> Liska Lackey will be vacating her seat as the Nursing representative because her 3rd term ends <br /> in June 2020. Jessica Frega, Chair, mentioned that a small ad hoc committee was formed to <br /> S:\Managers Working Files\BOH\Agenda &Abstracts\2020 Agenda &Abstracts/ <br /> March Page 3 <br />