Orange County NC Website
197321522; liar-7-01 12:45; Page 212 <br />lent By: ROGUE 8 VEIT; <br />0~. <br />Blueberry Hal Lot 8 EC-5 Legal Desc~'ipta,on <br />Lying and being in Hittglyam 'l'nwrtship, Urxr~e County, North Carolina and bung that <br />paRian of 6.bS_acres, taure yr leas, ciesignatcd ~ [,ot 1 an the prat of BLIJEIIERR~C' IIII.I-• <br />drawn from tha Survey af'f'hompson ~c- Simmons, Inc:. recorded in Plat 1f3ook 4b at P~~e y <br />of the Prange County Registry as in Toned EC-5 an the Grange County "L.ontt~ Attar. This <br />pruperry is mole particularly described sts beginning at a Aoitit in the line of the additional <br />5' of R f W for NC5It # Y l()2 as shown ort said prat, whi~~3 point is located South f17 d~greeti <br />43 r~tiautes 10 secnncls West l0U feet from the northeast corner of said ~etnce ~c rthi 8$ <br />thence South U7 degrees 43 minutes lp seconds West 1S0 fee~euce North 07 degrees ~3 <br />degrees S5 minutes 55 secancis West 305 feet to a point; <br />nLnutts lU :;ecantls East 150 f ~ntt of BEG1NlNiNG nCe South $8 degrees 55 mi~~i~tey S5 <br />,ecands East 3()5 feet to the pea <br />Y1N y749-84-3622 (T1V1 6.Z7..$) <br />