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3 0~ <br />August 4, 1986 Blueberry Hill, a 9 lot major subdivision, is approved by the Board <br />of County Commisioners. Lot #1 is designated as a private park <br />on the Preliminary Plat, as well as the recorded Final Plat. The <br />EC-5 Zoning District located within the boundaries of Lot #1 was <br />not shown on the Final Plat of the Subdivision. The Private Park <br />was designated on the recorded Final Plat. <br />Intent and Application criteria of the R-1 (Rural Residential) Zoning District as stated in <br />Article 4,2.3 of the Oranue County Zoning Ordinance <br />a) Intent <br />The purpose of the Rural Residential (R-1) District is to provide locations for rural non- <br />farm residential development, at very low intensities, in areas where the short- and long- <br />term solutions to domestic water supply and sewage disposal shall be individual wells <br />and ground absorption system. <br />la) Application Criteria <br />This district will usually be applied where the following conditions exist: <br />1. Designated by the adopted Comprehensive Plan as Rural Residential. <br />2. Urban Services, including water distribution and sewage collection mains are not <br />likely within 10-20 years. <br />Zoning Officer's Analysis <br />The EC-5 zoning district is inconsistent with the surrounding area and with the comprehensive <br />plan. There is considerable question as to whether the "Classic Car Salon", which was <br />proported to have existed at the time of the implementation of zoning in the Bingham Township, <br />has ever been located on this property. Staff has been unable to document any historical <br />commercial use on the property. Removal of the EC-5 zoning district from this residential and <br />farming area is a reasonable and prudent action. <br />Development Process, Schedule and Action <br />• Public Hearing on August 27, 2001 T <br />• Refer rezoning petition to the Planning Board for a recommendation, to be returned to <br />the Board of County Commissioners no sooner than November 20, 2001. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no direct financial impact with this decision item. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): Zoning Officer Recommendation: Approval of the petition to <br />rezone the 1.05 acre portion of Lot #1, Blueberry Hill Subdivision, <br />from EC-5 to R-1 for the private park purposes as shown on the <br />BOCC approved Preliminary Plat and the existing recorded plat of <br />Blueberry Hill Subdivision. <br />Administrative Recommendation: Refer the zoning petition to <br />the Planning Board for a recommendation to be returned to the <br />Board of County Commissioners no sooner than November 20, <br />2001. <br />