Orange County NC Website
29 <br /> 1 Quintana Stewart said initial student test results go to their home county. She said all <br /> 2 students signed an agreement, prior to returning to school, that they would report their cases to <br /> 3 Campus Health. She said students have cooperated. She said the Health Department gets the <br /> 4 numbers from campus health first, and does also eventually get the numbers transferred back <br /> 5 from the home county. <br /> 6 Commissioner Dorosin asked if a student lives off campus in Carrboro, is that the same <br /> 7 process. He asked if the result would go to Duplin County, for example, and then be sent back <br /> 8 to Orange County. <br /> 9 Quintana Stewart said possibly. She said most students that live off campus will list their <br /> 10 local off campus address as their residence. She said the bulk of the students whose results <br /> 11 are going back to their home county are undergraduates. <br /> 12 Commissioner Dorosin asked if the daily totals are regularly updated to included even <br /> 13 those students whose results are initially sent to an alternate home county. <br /> 14 Quintana Stewart said yes. <br /> 15 Chair Rich said this is a great question, and sometimes numbers do not align, and this is <br /> 16 the reason why. <br /> 17 Commissioner Greene asked if on campus students' results are counted in Orange <br /> 18 County numbers. <br /> 19 Quintana Stewart said yes, it shows up on the UNC dashboard immediately, and will <br /> 20 eventually show up as an Orange County positive. <br /> 21 Commissioner Marcoplos asked if the Health Department had considered holding a <br /> 22 testing event in the White Cross area (southwest rural part of the County). <br /> 23 Chair Rich thanked Quintana Stewart for the update. <br /> 24 Travis Myren made the following PowerPoint presentation: <br /> 25 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> NORTH CAROUNA <br /> CARES Act Funding Impacts <br /> September 1,202D <br /> Virtual Meeting <br /> 26 <br /> 27 <br /> Summary of CARES Act Funds <br /> • Corona Virus Aitl,Relief,entl Eanomic SecurMAd(CARES Art) <br /> -Federal LnJSRsoibu[eao Sams <br /> -WrtM1famlina 5stibuoel Lnaem Laumig baseAon popuLwn <br /> -oraaaememyo�nbema <br /> 28 <br /> ORWJME COUNTY <br /> 29 <br />