Orange County NC Website
13 <br /> 1 The county goes to great economic lengths to attract development and business, but there is no <br /> 2 mechanism to mitigate material monetary impacts on the use and enjoyment of one's home <br /> 3 when a high-density economic development is inserted into one's rural residential community. <br /> 4 As it stands, it seems as though these potential financial impacts will simply be considered <br /> 5 collateral damage. What can we do to ensure that these potential financial impacts will be <br /> 6 mitigated for the dozens of surrounding residents? <br /> 7 <br /> 8 And speaking of collateral damage --what will be the impact on the Church and Pre-school <br /> 9 across the street on Davis Rd? What will happen when parents pull their kids out of the <br /> 10 preschool because their driveway is potentially blocked by a long queue of diesel trucks? The <br /> 11 Church relies on the revenue from the preschool to stay afloat; so, will the church and preschool <br /> 12 also end up as collateral damage? I urge the commissioners to seriously consider these impacts <br /> 13 when making their decision, and to strongly consider eliminating the use of the Davis Road <br /> 14 parcel as part of this development. <br /> 15 <br /> 16 Additional Issue to consider: NOISE: Orange county Noise ordinances state: "It shall be <br /> 17 unlawful for any person to make, create, permit, or to continue any source of unreasonably loud <br /> 18 and disturbing noise in Orange County." Orange County doesn't allow noises above 60 decibels <br /> 19 during the day and 50 decibels in the evenings at residential properties. The noise generated <br /> 20 from a diesel truck is between 96 and 104 decibels, 42 times louder than the ordinance allows in <br /> 21 the evenings. Additionally, diesel trucks typically use engine braking that creates an extremely <br /> 22 loud machine gun-like noise, up to 105 decibels. There are residents whose property is as close <br /> 23 as 30 feet to the proposed driveway. (This distance is taken from the Orange County GIS). With <br /> 24 only 5 trucks in the queue, the resident immediately beside the proposed access point on Davis <br /> 25 Rd will experience 81 decibels of sustained noise, the equivalent of standing next to a lawn <br /> 26 mower 24/7, and loud enough to cause hearing damage at 2 hours of exposure according to the <br /> 27 CDC. Orange County also specifically prohibits the use of lawn equipment after 9 pm. How can <br /> 28 they possibly allow diesel trucks operating overnight, creating noise more than 5 times louder <br /> 29 than gas powered lawn equipment? It seems impossible that this development could comply <br /> 30 with Orange County noise ordinances, and yet the developer has not provided a noise analysis. <br /> 31 The county must act to prevent the potentially massive disruptions to the sleep, hearing, and <br /> 32 peace of the dozens of residents, church, and preschool children in the surrounding area. <br /> 33 Please do not allow the rezoning of the Davis Rd parcel. The use of this land as the primary <br /> 34 access point will cause irreparable harm to the surrounding residents. It may take some effort <br /> 35 and/or creativity, but the developer can and should find alternative methods of dealing with their <br /> 36 traffic load. NCDOT has already laid out potential improvements that could be made to allow for <br /> 37 a full movement interchange at Service Rd and Old 86, but the developer has declined to <br /> 38 pursue this path. Rather, it seems they have chosen the path of least resistance and lowest cost <br /> 39 to them, at the great expense of the surrounding residence and community. <br /> 40 <br /> 41 Jessie Kaufmann said the Orange County Schools Board of Education released a letter <br /> 42 imploring that Broadband Internet be provided. She asked the BOCC to consider using the <br /> 43 proposed land for broadband. She asked if the BOCC would wait to make a decision about the <br /> 44 land until after the presidential election. She said she is not in favor of the proposed project. <br /> 45 <br /> 46 Justin Mitchell said he owns several acres of land on Davis Road, adjacent to his family, <br /> 47 where he one day hopes to live. He said the appeal of that dream will disappear if this <br /> 48 proposed project goes ahead. He said water runoff is of great concern, as there is already <br /> 49 excessive run off in this area, and the proposed project would only increase this problem. <br /> 50 <br />