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are opposed to this proposed change. Having said all that this community is not opposed to intelligent development. 500 <br />That’s in sync, that somehow aligns with some of the goals of this community, which is to have a nice place to live, a 501 <br />Rural Buffer. Now Steve Kaufmann had an intention to build a school and he’s going to get that zoning returned to 502 <br />him so he can do that. That’s an example of the kind of development that we can support as a community not a 503 <br />warehouse. Come on guys think about it. In closing I would just like to say we are totally opposed to an access road, 504 <br />as I mentioned, the number of trips on this road are going to be drastically increased. The size of the vehicles are 505 <br />going to be on this road which is Davis Road are going to be drastically changed. Planning Board will you think 506 <br />about what you are deciding on, you work for us. That’s the end of my comments. Thank you. 507 <br /> 508 <br />Joseph Shore: Hi everyone my name is Joseph Shore, I live on Old 86 between Davis and 40 most of the 509 <br />conversation tonight has been about the effect on 40 but this going to completely alter my life and I can’t emphasize 510 <br />that enough. If it’s impossible to get out of my driveway with 300 cars during rush hour as the traffic engineer 511 <br />mentioned and you double that it means cars are going to be coming by my driveway every 5 to 6 seconds, 18 512 <br />wheels are going to be coming by every 5 to 6 seconds. That will literally make my property worthless because I 513 <br />won’t be able to access my own home anymore I won’t be able to get to work or I’ll have to stay in my travel lane for I 514 <br />don’t even know how long to try to get in and out. There’s a preschool right down the road, there’s a preschool by 515 <br />the corner of Davis and Old 86. I can’t imagine trying to be a parent to drop off my 3 or 4 year old there when there’s 516 <br />18-wheelers coming by every 10 seconds or 5 seconds. Just imagine the traffic trying to turn in and out of the 517 <br />preschool in the morning. To the previous gentleman’s quoting, we aren’t opposed to development but this is the 518 <br />absolutely wrong thing for this area. I can’t emphasize that enough this is a residential area. In the 1980s when this 519 <br />plan was originally developed, my house was a cow pasture so sure put a warehouse there it doesn’t matter to them 520 <br />but things have changed dramatically, it doesn’t make sense to have this development here any longer so Planning 521 <br />Board please hear me I’m begging you, oppose this. Please don’t make my family collateral damage from this 522 <br />economic development building. 523 <br /> 524 <br />Jon Lorusso: Hello, it’s quite late thank you for giving me a chance to speak. I wrote down a few notes of what I’d 525 <br />like to say before I get to them I just want to agree with previous speaker this really does come down to a 40 year old 526 <br />plan that is no longer relevant and yet the Planning Board feels that they need to stick with it because it’s on the 527 <br />books so we might as well, I’m almost tempted to say that there is some kind of conspiracy going on some kickbacks 528 <br />because there really, this is the Planning Board, you are supposed to plan for the communities and the people who 529 <br />live here. Not for out of state businesses, not for lawyers in Raleigh this is for the people, you work for us the people 530 <br />who live here. Yes, the people here need jobs but not at the expense of their fellow citizens, this is absurd. So just 531 <br />to go through a few points. The traffic engineer mentioned that is would be up to the individual truck drivers whether 532 <br />or not they took 40 west to get to 85 north that’s absurd no one would ever do that. People who live here know that 533 <br />you wouldn’t do that, you are obviously going to take Churton to get 85 north. We’ve already had, the Planning 534 <br />Board has a plan in action to extend 70 from Orange Grove because of already existing traffic issues. They already 535 <br />exist the traffic issues this is going to make it so much worse and yet are we planning or are we reacting. We’re going 536 <br />to allow this to be built and then react later on. We’ll figure it out 20 years from now when people are fed up. So, this 537 <br />neighborhood, one if the improvement that Mr. Birch mentioned was oh we get a traffic signal at the end of Davis 538 <br />Road and all we have to do it to get it is build a 2.1 million square foot warehouse inside of our neighborhood. Great 539 <br />thanks a lot thank you for that wonderful improvement. The left only sign coming out of the place onto Davis Road, 540 <br />are there any laws that, is there going to be a cop stationed there and if they make a right are they subject to a 541 <br />summons? A ticket? No, it’s really just up to the individual driver if they see that the traffic is backed up to the light 542 <br />on Old 86 you know maybe I’ll just make a right and take Orange Grove up or maybe I’ll make a left on Orange 543 <br />Grove and go down to Arthur Minnis, who cares right? Who cares about the people who live here, who cares. 200 544 <br />vehicles per hour additional on Davis Road that is absurd an average tractor-trailer is 72 feet. How many tractor-545 <br />trailers can fit between Old 86 and 1000 foot entrance on Davis Road? I don’t know what the math is divide 1000 by 546 <br />72 it’s somewhere around 14. If you have 200 per hour, it sounds to me like it’s going to get backed up. It sounds to 547 <br />me like there’s a lot of conjecture, a lot of estimates based on businesses that we don’t even know what kind of traffic 548 <br />they’ll have. I think Michael Birch again that the primary use is indoor yet he doesn’t actually know what kind of 549 <br />business is going to be there. How does he know they’re going to be indoor? They’re asking for approval when 550 <br />they’re still back and forth with NCDOT how can you approve something when thinks haven’t even been settled? We 551 <br />are not talking about little things; we’re talking about huge changes. Oh, the traffic is backed up on 40 west, on the 552 <br />40 east who cares if there’s an ambulance that can’t get to the hospital, who cares right? It’s all at the expense of 553 <br />business, who cares, who cares if people are backed up on the highway, who cares? I mean this is absurd; it’s 554 <br />absurd that our Planning Board the people who are supposed to plan this are the ones that are selling up the river. 555 <br />14