Agenda - 10-06-20; 6-b - Zoning Atlas Amendment – Parcels off Old NC Highway 86 (District 2 of Settlers Point MPD-CZ)
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-06-20 Virtual Business Meeting
Agenda - 10-06-20; 6-b - Zoning Atlas Amendment – Parcels off Old NC Highway 86 (District 2 of Settlers Point MPD-CZ)
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10/1/2020 2:19:03 PM
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10/1/2020 2:58:11 PM
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Agenda 10-06-20 Virtual Business Meeting
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ORD-2020-021 Ordinance Amending The Orange County Zoning Atlas
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167 <br />Michael Harvey: No sir, this Zoning Atlas amendment has to go to the County Commissioners for eventual approval, 168 <br />the development of these properties, as individual parcels would be handled by the staff consistent with the 169 <br />requirements of the Unified Development Ordinance as all permitted land uses would be handled. 170 <br /> 171 <br />Franklin Garland: Ok, so if you spending all this time and energy and all this money on it and all the people out here, 172 <br />I can get 20 or 30 thousand people to go against what you’re trying to propose, you have wasted all this money and it 173 <br />will go to the Board of Commissioners and they gonna say, well we agree with the community, maybe they will this 174 <br />time. Apparently, you don’t. You don’t live here, I don’t know where you live, you know. I don’t know where the 175 <br />Commissioners live, I don’t know where the rest of the Board lives but apparently they’re not being affected by this 176 <br />because they could care less, including you, ok. I would really appreciate it if actually some of the Commissioners 177 <br />and some of these planning people came and looked at these properties. I will gladly let you on my property and 178 <br />show you what I mean. I have a drone I can fly over so you can see it because apparently you going by maps and 179 <br />that’s good enough and that’s not good enough for the people that live here by the way. You know what’s good 180 <br />enough is for you to leave us alone. 181 <br /> 182 <br />David Blankfard: Thank you Mr. Garland 183 <br /> 184 <br />Steve Kaufmann: Can I have video too. My name is Steve Kaufmann and I did receive a letter from the County for 185 <br />this. First, let me introduce myself as a resident of Hillsborough for 25 years. I moved here to be a school teacher 186 <br />here and I moved on Davis Road and like everyone else has spoken about Davis Road, I just love this road it’s like a 187 <br />dream come true moving here and I opened up a martial arts school here. I’ve been teaching martial arts in 188 <br />Hillsborough for 25 years also. Driving on Old 86 on my way to work, I saw some land for sale on the east side right 189 <br />near 40 and I wanted to build a martial arts school so I purchased that land that was actually zoned for schools at 190 <br />that time. Unfortunately, there as a moratorium for six months going on while I was purchasing it and once the 191 <br />moratorium was over I was no longer able to build a school on it. So I’ve been waiting for 20 years and I had the 192 <br />opportunity to have a school on it when Settler’s Point was approved because basically the codes changed a lot 193 <br />during that time which they’re present still. Because of what Michael Harvey explained, it’s impossible for anyone to 194 <br />do anything with that property given that everyone has to work together because there’s traffic ordinances and lots of 195 <br />details that take lots of money to do anything within any of that property. So, I don’t want people to inflate those 196 <br />properties on the east side with the this humongous thing that’s going on with the west side. They are very very 197 <br />different things. I purchased this property exactly 20 years ago; I’m like a newcomer there. I purchased it from a 198 <br />family who had lived there for generations and all my neighbors have lived there for generations, I mean, I’m 199 <br />definitely the new guy there after 20 years. All those people have had property for many years and I don’t know what 200 <br />they are planning to do with it but I don’t see anyone eager to build with it, they are just sitting on it, including myself 201 <br />at the moment. We’re very very close to I-40 there’s already Dodson’s Construction is already a business right near 202 <br />40 that’s been a business there ever since I’ve been there and that’s right next door to my house. Whatever is going 203 <br />to go on there, those are like four to six acres lots. Once again, don’t inflate it with the these humongous warehouses 204 <br />that are happening on the west side an especially that 12 acre lot on Davis Road which I’m definitely against. Those 205 <br />are very very different things that are happening on the same night tonight so I just wanted to air my concerns. It 206 <br />would definitely be a setback to me to have that as residential only, I purchased it to build the school on and I’ve 207 <br />been struggling for 20 years to try to get a school on it and I’ve been in conversations with Orange County for 20 208 <br />years about how to build a school on it and believe me it’s not easy to build anything in Orange County without going 209 <br />through lots of red tape. If you are a very large building company and you have lawyers and you have architects and 210 <br />you have designers and you have site planners and you have lots of money to work with you can get things done but 211 <br />as a small mom and pop operation that I have it’s very very very difficult to get anything done so I just want to assure 212 <br />you that there aren’t going to be all these things popping up on the east side of that street. There’s no water and 213 <br />sewer there, it’s almost like it’s impossible to build there the land doesn’t perk well and we don’t have water and 214 <br />sewer. It’s probably going to be sitting there for a good many years still. Ok, that’s all I have to say, thank you very 215 <br />much. 216 <br /> 217 <br />Craig Benedict: Michael Harvey, can you confirm that these rezonings would facilitate him being able to do 218 <br />something on his property besides the Settler Point district two. 219 <br /> 220 <br />Michael Harvey: Yes, as I alluded, if the rezoning is approved then development of the individual parcels would have 221 <br />to be compliant with the County Unified Development Ordinance but they would be developed and could be 222 <br />8
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