Agenda - 10-06-20; 6-b - Zoning Atlas Amendment – Parcels off Old NC Highway 86 (District 2 of Settlers Point MPD-CZ)
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-06-20 Virtual Business Meeting
Agenda - 10-06-20; 6-b - Zoning Atlas Amendment – Parcels off Old NC Highway 86 (District 2 of Settlers Point MPD-CZ)
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10/1/2020 2:19:03 PM
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10/1/2020 2:58:11 PM
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Agenda 10-06-20 Virtual Business Meeting
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ORD-2020-021 Ordinance Amending The Orange County Zoning Atlas
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OTHER-2020-004 Statement of Consistency of a Proposed Unified Development Ordinance Map Amendment with the Adopted Orange County 2030 Comprehensive Plan
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with recommending or supporting. If you have an interest in restudying the area, that statement needs to be made to 111 <br />the County Commissioners who would need to take it under consideration. What I will say is that, as with other 112 <br />projects in this general area, there has been an interest in expanding our current Hillsborough Economic 113 <br />Development District and increasing economic development opportunities in this area. I also do not think it’s the best 114 <br />planning idea to put low intensity residential right up against an Interstate. I think that the current land use categories 115 <br />and zoning that we have recommended would allow for purposeful development and expansion consistent with 116 <br />current County policy. 117 <br /> 118 <br />Hunter Spitzer: I have another, more of a comment and this is pertaining to the analysis section of the introduction of 119 <br />this amendment. ‘It finds that this is consistent with land use goal 3, a variety of land uses that are coordinated within 120 <br />a program and pattern that limits sprawl, preserves community and rural character, minimizes land use conflicts, 121 <br />supported by an efficient and balanced transportation system.” This is not mentioned again in the actual motion or I 122 <br />believe the resolution we have to recommend to the Board. So if that will not be included over in summary words 123 <br />those things that we’ve accomplished then I have no further objections but I do find that land use goal in itself a little 124 <br />bit contradictory and not applicable to this situation. 125 <br /> 126 <br />David Blankfard: All right, anybody else have any comments? Ok, again I’d like to ask people from the community to 127 <br />say if they received a letter from the planning department. 128 <br /> 129 <br />Stephen Williams: I did receive a letter from the County Planning Board. I just want to reiterate something that the 130 <br />gentleman just said that was speaking. He said that he didn’t think that the residents or the owners, I’m sorry, the 131 <br />owners of the property that we are discussing now would appreciate a rezoning that would devalue their property and 132 <br />I think that that’s something that every resident here is concerned about. It’s interesting that we’re concerned about 133 <br />these particular parcels and the owners of them and worried about decreasing the value they have in their property 134 <br />but I think it should be noted that rezoning these areas and putting in this development which is the goal here, is also 135 <br />going to devalue the properties of the residents that are around those areas. Thanks. 136 <br /> 137 <br />Bob Bundschuh: I have a question if these go back to their old zoning and they’re allowed to develop independently, 138 <br />two questions. Is water and sewer does the loop have to be supplied to them before they can do that and secondly, if 139 <br />someone decided to develop again can you reiterate what steps they would have to take. Would it go through zoning 140 <br />and then the County Commissioners again or since it is zoned does it just go to the zoning board? 141 <br /> 142 <br />Michael Harvey: I think I can answer that question. Any development of this property will have to be done in 143 <br />compliance with the Orange County Unified Development Ordinance. Development would be under staff’s 144 <br />administrative review, it would not go back to the Planning Board or the County Commissioners. If these properties 145 <br />remain Settler’s Point, MPD-CZ it would also not have to go back to the County Commissioners or the Planning 146 <br />Board it would develop under site plan review. There are standards in the Unified Development Ordinance dealing 147 <br />with shared driveway access that any development on these properties would have to abide by, but the rezoning of 148 <br />these parcels would mean that the concept access management strategy developed as part of the Settler’s Point 149 <br />MPD-CZ would not have to be followed and from our standpoint, it is more appropriate to give these individual 150 <br />property owners a path forward to development of their property as compliant with the various 18 or so pages of 151 <br />conditions associated with the Settler’s Point MPD-CZ would be difficult for them to abide by. 152 <br /> 153 <br />Bob Bundschuh: And water and sewer? 154 <br /> 155 <br />Michael Harvey: I’m sorry sir; I forgot the water and sewer (question). These parcels are not intended nor are they 156 <br />slated to be served by water and sewer. In order for any of these eight parcels to get water/sewer, it is my opinion 157 <br />they would have to request annexation of the Town of Hillsborough. My apologies for that. This rezoning does not 158 <br />somehow give them the ability to tap onto water/sewer inconsistent with what the Town’s original reaction was back 159 <br />when Settler’s Point was being reviewed. 160 <br /> 161 <br />Franklin Garland: So, Mr. Harvey, it’s my understanding with these eight parcels and pretty much everything else out 162 <br />there that what you decide goes and even though the ethics part of our webpage out here says that you can’t do that, 163 <br />you just gonna railroad everything through no matter what as you saying this is not going to go to the Board of 164 <br />Commissioners, what you’re doing right now. That they would have no say, they can’t tell you no, and hold on hold 165 <br />on, I’m not done…. 166 <br />7
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