Agenda - 10-06-20; 6-b - Zoning Atlas Amendment – Parcels off Old NC Highway 86 (District 2 of Settlers Point MPD-CZ)
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 10-06-20 Virtual Business Meeting
Agenda - 10-06-20; 6-b - Zoning Atlas Amendment – Parcels off Old NC Highway 86 (District 2 of Settlers Point MPD-CZ)
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Last modified
10/1/2020 2:19:03 PM
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10/1/2020 2:58:11 PM
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Agenda 10-06-20 Virtual Business Meeting
\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2020's\2020\Agenda - 10-06-20 Virtual Business Meeting
Minutes 10-06-2020 Virtual Business Meeting
\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2020's\2020
ORD-2020-021 Ordinance Amending The Orange County Zoning Atlas
\Board of County Commissioners\Ordinances\Ordinance 2020-2029\2020
OTHER-2020-004 Statement of Consistency of a Proposed Unified Development Ordinance Map Amendment with the Adopted Orange County 2030 Comprehensive Plan
\Board of County Commissioners\Various Documents\2020 - 2029\2020
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MOTION by Randy Marshall to approve the February 5, 2020 Meeting Minutes. Seconded by Hunter Spitzer. 56 VOTE: Unanimous 57 58 <br /> 59 AGENDA ITEM 5: CONSIDERATION OF ADDITIONS TO AGENDA. 60 <br />There were none 61 <br /> 62 <br /> 63 AGENDA ITEM 6: PUBLIC CHARGE 64 <br /> 65 <br /> INTRODUCTION TO THE PUBLIC CHARGE 66 <br /> The Board of County Commissioners, under the authority of North Carolina General Statute, 67 <br />appoints the Orange County Planning Board (OCPB) to uphold the written land development law of 68 <br />the County. The general purpose of OCPB is to guide and accomplish coordinated and 69 <br />harmonious development. OCPB shall do so in a manner, which considers the present and future 70 <br />needs of its citizens and businesses through efficient and responsive process that contributes to 71 <br />and promotes the health, safety, and welfare of the overall County. The OCPB will make every 72 <br />effort to uphold a vision of responsive governance and quality public services during our 73 <br />deliberations, decisions, and recommendations. 74 <br /> 75 <br />PUBLIC CHARGE 76 <br />The Planning Board pledges to the citizens of Orange County its respect. The Board asks its 77 <br />citizens to conduct themselves in a respectful, courteous manner, both with the Board and with 78 <br />fellow citizens. At any time, should any member of the Board or any citizen fail to observe this 79 <br />public charge, the Chair will ask the offending member to leave the meeting until that individual 80 <br />regains personal control. Should decorum fail to be restored, the Chair will recess the meeting 81 <br />until such time that a genuine commitment to this public charge is observed. 82 <br /> 83 <br /> 84 AGENDA ITEM 7: CHAIR COMMENTS 85 <br />There were none 86 <br /> 87 88 AGENDA ITEM 9: ZONING ATLAS AMENDMENT (GENERAL USE REZONING) - To review and make a recommendation to 89 <br />the BOCC on a County-initiated action to rezone 8 parcels totaling 45.96 acres from MPD-CZ 90 <br />(Settler’s Point) to EDH-4 (Economic Development Hillsborough Office/Retail) (1 parcel 32.76 91 <br />acres in size) or EDH-2 (Economic Development Hillsborough Limited Office) (7 parcels totaling 92 <br />13.2 acres). The parcels are located in Hillsborough Township, south of Interstate 40 and east of 93 <br />Old Highway 86. This item is scheduled for BOCC public hearing on September 15, 2020. 94 <br /> PRESENTER: Michael Harvey, Current Planning Supervisor 95 <br />Michael Harvey reviewed the abstract and proposed changes to the Zoning Atlas Amendment 96 <br /> 97 <br />David Blankfard: Anybody from the Board have any questions or comments? 98 <br /> 99 <br />Hunter Spitzer: My first question is in rezoning these parcels back to what they were prior to this, particularly on the 100 <br />east side of 86, could I recommend or ask for consideration to rezoning to low intensity to medium intensity 101 <br />residential in this area? It seems as though the industrial land uses are not very in line with the vision that the 102 <br />residents have and I would add this zoning in addition to the ones that you already have recommended and in place 103 <br />of Rural Residential this would allow for a more transition, a different opportunity for development in the area that I 104 <br />think would be more in line with what some people have voiced. 105 <br /> 106 <br />Michael Harvey: Thank you for the question, that suggestion in my opinion is inconsistent with the Comprehensive 107 <br />Plan, which identifies this area as Economic Development Transition. I also think that these property owners would 108 <br />object to (their property being) the down zoning of their property and loss of potential development value. These 109 <br />parcels have been zoned Economic Development for several decades. That it is not something that I am comfortable 110 <br />6
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