Agenda - 08-27-2001-c2
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 08-27-2001
Agenda - 08-27-2001-c2
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8/29/2008 10:34:04 AM
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Minutes - 08-27-2001
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0~4 <br />c. Sediment ponds (also called "sediment basins") within HQW <br />zones shall be designed and constructed such that the pond will <br />have a settling efficiency of at least 70% for the 40 micron (0.04 <br />mm) size soil particle transported into the basin by the runoff of <br />that 2-year storm which produces the maximum peak rate of <br />runoff. The peak rate of runoff shall be calculated according to <br />procedures in the United States Department of Agriculture Soil <br />Conservation Service's National Engineering Field Manual for <br />Conservation Practices or according to procedures adopted by <br />any other agency of this state or the United States or any <br />generally recognized organization or association. <br />d. Newly constructed open channels in HQW zones shall be <br />designed and constructed with side slopes no steeper than 2 <br />horizontal to 1 vertical if a vegetative cover is used for <br />stabilization unless soil conditions permit a steeper slope or <br />where the slopes are stabilized by using mechanical devices, <br />structural devices or other acceptable devices. In any event, the <br />angle for side slopes shall be sufficient to restrain accelerated <br />erosion. <br />e. Ground cover sufficient to restrain erosion must be provided for <br />any portion of a land- disturbing activity in a HQW zone within 15 <br />working days, or 60 calendar days, whichever period is shorter, <br />following completion of construction or development. <br />E. Prior Plan Approval <br />No person shall initiate any land-disturbing activity on a tract if more than <br />20,000 square feet are to be uncovered unless, thirty or more days prior to <br />initiating the activity, an erosion and. sedimentation control plan for such <br />activity is filed with, approved by, and a Grading Permit obtained from the <br />County. <br />Section 8.1 Additional Standards for Land-Disturbing Activity in <br />Universi Lake Cane Creek and lJ er Eno Protected Watershed Areas <br />The provisions of Section 8 shall apply to land-disturbing activity within the <br />University Lake. Cane Creek, and Upper Eno Protected Watershed Areas. In <br />addition, the design, construction, and maintenance of drainage systems in <br />developments within the University Lake. Cane Creek, and Upper Eno <br />Protected Watershed Areas shall also be consistent with the following <br />standards; and these standards shall control to the extent that they are more <br />restrictive than those set forth in Section 8. <br />G:\EROSION\,gmendments\AMENDS2001.doc <br />
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