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05: <br />B. Plan for Erosion Control <br />Design the development and prepare the site plan so that the necessary <br />sediment-trapping devices and erosion control measures can be <br />accommodated and are accessible for maintenance and removal. <br />Observe the requirements and standards in Orange County's Soil Erosion <br />and Sediment Control Manual. <br />C. Limit Exposed Areas <br />All land-disturbing activities are to be planned and conducted to minimize <br />the size of the area to be exposed at any one time. <br />D. Limit Time of Exposure <br />All land-disturbing activities are to be planned and conducted to limit <br />exposure to the shortest feasible time. <br />E. .Control Surface Water <br />Surface water runoff originating upgrade of exposed areas should be <br />controlled to reduce erosion and sediment loss during the period of <br />exposure. <br />F. Control Sedimentation <br />All land-disturbing activities are to be planned and conducted so as to <br />prevent off-site sedimentation damage. <br />G. Manage Stormwater Runoff <br />When the increase in the peak rates and velocity of storm water runoff <br />resulting from gland-disturbing activity is sufficient to cause accelerated erasion <br />of the receiving watercourse, plans are to include measures to control the <br />velocity and the rate of release at the point of discharge so as to minimize <br />accelerated erasion of the site and increased sedimentation of the stream. <br />Section 8 Mandatory Design and Performance Standards <br />for Land~Disturbing Activity <br />No land-disturbing activity subject to the control of this Ordinance shall be <br />undertaken except in accordance with the following mandatory standards: <br />A. Buffer Zone <br />1. No land-disturbing activity during periods of construction or improvement <br />to land shall be permitted in proximity to a lake or natural watercourse <br />unless a buffer zone is provided along the margin of the watercourse of <br />sufficient width to confine visible siltation within the twenty- five percent <br />(25%) of the buffer zone nearest the land-disturbing activity. Waters that <br />G:\EROSION\Amendments\AMENDS2001.doc <br />