Agenda - 08-27-2001-c1
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 08-27-2001
Agenda - 08-27-2001-c1
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8/29/2008 4:10:43 PM
Creation date
8/29/2008 10:34:01 AM
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Agenda Item
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Minutes - 08-27-2001
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2001
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o~ <br /> Exempt Allowable Allowable Prohibited <br /> with <br /> Mitigation <br />Overhead electric utility lines: <br />• Impacts other than perpendicular crossings in Zone 2 X <br />only3 <br />• Impacts other than perpendicular crossings in Zone 1 `•z~3 X <br />• Perpendicular crossings that disturb equal to or less than X <br />150 linear feet of riparian buffer' <br />• Perpendicular crossings that disturb greater than 150 X <br />linear feet of riparian buffer `• a <br />Periodic maintenance of modified natural streams such as <br />canals and a grassed travelway on one side of the surface X <br />water when alternative forms of maintenance access are not <br />practical <br />A F V vJU\iLL ~„a,, „J ~.vuc ~, a,i ~~ u,c ivi,vwu~g nrv1CJ for ovemeaa uililry Imes are uses. lI all oz these tiivll'S are not <br />used, then the overhead utility lines shall require a no practical alternative evaluation by the Division. <br />• A minimum zone of 10 feet wide immediately adjacent to the water body shall be managed such that only vegetation <br />that poses a hazard or has the potential to grow tall enough to interfere with the line is removed. <br />• Woody vegetation shall be cleared by hand. No land grubbing or grading is allowed. <br />• Vegetative root systems shall be left intact to maintain the integrity of the soil. Stumps shall remain where trees are <br />GUt. <br />• Rip rap shall not be used unless it is necessary to stabilize a tower. <br />• No fertilizer shall be used other than aone-time application to re-establish vegetation. <br />• Construction activities shall minimize the removal of woody vegetation, the extent of the disturbed area, and the time <br />in which areas remain in a disturbed state. <br />• Active measures shall be taken after construction and during routine maintenance to ensure diffuse flow of <br />stormwater through the buffer. <br />• In wetlands, mats shall be utilized to minimize soil disturbance. <br />a Provided that poles or towers shall not be installed within 10 feet of a water body unless the Division completes a no <br />practical altemative evaluation. <br />s Perpendicular crossings are those that intersect the surface water at an angle between 75° and 105°. <br />7 <br />
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