Orange County NC Website
MEMORANDUM <br />TO: Board of County Commissioners. <br />FROM: Beverly A, Blythe; CMC " <br />DATE: August 16, 2001 <br />RE: BOND EDUCATION COMMITTEE <br />_ The appointment sheet for the Bond Education Committee has been expanded to <br />include the Steering Committee and the five'-~ubcommittees. You have a list of everyone who <br />has an application on file and a list separating out the subcommittees. I was not sure how you <br />would want to make these appointments so we have tried to give you all the information you <br />need. <br />An organizational meeting has been set for September 5, 20.01 at 5:30 at the <br />Southern Human Services Center in Chapel Hill: - <br />If you have any questions about these appointments or any other appointments, <br />please call Nancy or me. <br />Thank you and have a wonderful weekend. <br />