Orange County NC Website
lunch event on April 13th. Katie and Nate will give a presentation. There will also <br /> be an expanded evening presentation. <br /> c. FUSION. This will be pushed back to the next fiscal year because of financial <br /> considerations. <br /> d. Art on the Hill. Partners from all towns and UNC have committed to be involved. <br /> There will be a meeting with artists who have participated in similar events <br /> on February 271h at Animal Services . <br /> V. Presentation about future ArtsCenter <br /> Dan distributed plans and a map to the board. He discussed the new location, <br /> parking, and access to the bus line. He plans for an art and nature experience. <br /> The center will include gallery space, maker space, and youth education space. He <br /> also discussed the ongoing capital campaign. Dan will update the board <br /> in a few months. Katie emphasized that the Arts Commission and the ArtsCenter <br /> are partnering in supporting the arts in the county. <br /> VI. Liaison Reports: <br /> a. UNC Student Liaison Update. Rachel emailed UNC updates to the board. <br /> b. UNC/Chapel Hill Arts Commission. Everybody closed and Julius Caesar is <br /> coming. Discussion of plans for the Forest Theater are ongoing. <br /> c. Hillsborough Arts Council. The gift shop is being upgraded. Planning is in <br /> progress for the 41h annual Paint it Orange. <br /> The Tourism Bureau has moved the Handmade Parade to every other year. <br /> d. The ArtsCenter. Catalogues have been distributed. Bronwyn is the exhibiting <br /> artist this month. <br /> e. Carrboro Arts Committee. This will now be under Rec and Parks. <br /> Katie thanked Chris for his service to the board. <br /> Upcoming dates. <br /> Commission/Council Exec Committee Meeting - Monday, Feb. 24 at 6:30pm. Location <br /> ArtsCenter <br /> State of the Arts breakfast and party—Monday April 13 <br /> Arts Day 2020 - Tuesday May 19 &Wed May 20. All day. Raleigh <br /> Board participation in Arts Day is important. <br /> Justin moved to adjourn the meeting. Doris seconded. <br /> Fred adjourned the meeting. <br /> Respectfully submitted, Delia Keefe, OCAC Secretary <br />