Orange County NC Website
Approved 9/2/2020 <br /> 443 Christa Greene: Yes,that's how the traffic study was done so this would assume the offsite improvement would be <br /> 444 done before the site opens. <br /> 445 <br /> 446 Adam Beeman: I went through a lot of the email that residents have sent and I picked out a few questions that <br /> 447 maybe you could answer for me that may help some of these residents get an actual answer from you. Some were <br /> 448 random that were different than most everything. One was how do you plan to mitigate the construction traffic during <br /> 449 the build out,what's the plan for that? <br /> 450 <br /> 451 Michael Birch: Construction traffic will use predominately utilize the service road. <br /> 452 <br /> 453 Adam Beeman: Another theme that kept popping up was how many home will be destroyed in order to put these <br /> 454 building up and how many people will be displaced from their homes? <br /> 455 <br /> 456 Michael Birch: Zero. <br /> 457 <br /> 458 Adam Beeman: Thank you, one of the questions was is there a plan to mitigate crime if any, some people seem to <br /> 459 think that with this project you're going to draw some questionable behavior from others. <br /> 460 <br /> 461 Michael Birch: I would say,first of all the folks coming to this site are coming to work. They are coming to work just <br /> 462 like you go to work every day, like I go to work every day,with the thought that they're going to put in their time and <br /> 463 go back to their family. We're not anticipating and if you look at your typical office parks where people go to work, or <br /> 464 even similar industrial establishments,you don't see crime like you might think of with a more retail focus, shopping <br /> 465 center focus type of development. It's an internally focused site and we don't anticipate any crime issues. <br /> 466 <br /> 467 Adam Beeman: The last question I have, is the developer footing the bill for the water and sewer expansion and any <br /> 468 electrical power expansions? <br /> 469 <br /> 470 Craig Benedict: Let me handle one part of that question. Orange County has a capital improvement program since <br /> 471 2013 to extend the sewer underneath the interstate. That was long before this development was there and will <br /> 472 continue to provide that design to get the sewer under the interstate. That's one element but on site the County <br /> 473 would not be doing something specifically for the project just to get the sewer and water underneath the interstate <br /> 474 and up and down the service road. <br /> 475 <br /> 476 Melissa Poole: To go with what Adam was speaking, a recurring theme throughout the emails and contact were, and <br /> 477 1 think it's been addressed but let's touch on it again,for all of the residents with the surrounding homes, how will <br /> 478 their property values be impacted? Positively or negatively? <br /> 479 <br /> 480 Michael Birch: A couple of items on that question,first many of the homes in the surrounding area, particularly those <br /> 481 that are along NC 86 are already commercially zoned and so we expect positive impact to their property values that <br /> 482 there is now a commercial development that is a going concern that creates a catalyst in the area. Second,the <br /> 483 extension of utilities to extend if there's ever a need for an emergency extension or anything else it can be a benefit <br /> 484 to the area. Third,the perimeter buffer, the height limitations,the architectural controls,the other aspects of the 50 <br /> 485 plus conditions that have been agreed to as part of the project are all intended to mitigate impacts on adjourning <br /> 486 properties and that includes on the value. One of the items identified early on was in issue with the flushing of water <br /> 487 and that water line, that as a result of our loop system will be improved. That's another benefit to the area. As well <br /> 488 as improved transportation infrastructure and signals. <br /> 489 <br /> 490 Kim Piracci: I may have missed something because I didn't see the emails; I appreciate Ms. Greene's efforts to <br /> 491 educate us on transportation, architecture or transportation. However, I don't know if I'm missing out or slow but 1 <br /> 492 feel like the little maps you showed us,which for me are like an inch big. I feel like I would like to get a big picture,the <br /> 493 85 the 40, Davis Road,the on-ramps. I would like to see the whole map what you're proposing that the <br /> 494 transportation flow would look like. I can't put it together. I get there is going to be a red light at Davis and 86. <br /> 495 <br /> 496 Christa Greene: This is run through some special software but I have those if there is a certain area I can blow it up <br /> 497 bigger. We've done level of service charts that were in the traffic studies too that I would be happy to run one of <br />