Approved 9/2/2020
<br /> 1113 that are sustainable, that are better suited for the area, that are more in line with Hillsborough's values. There are
<br /> 1114 better ways to develop that land for economic growth. Please let's investigate them together. Do not recommend
<br /> 1115 that this project move forward. Thank you for your time.
<br /> 1116
<br /> 1117 Geoff Sebesta: My name is Geoff Sebesta, I'll be very brief. The first is the NTSBNHTSB released a study long ago
<br /> 1118 that showed that the damage to a road increases by the fourth power of the size of the vehicles. That's the square of
<br /> 1119 the square. These vehicles which will be on historical road will destroy your road. You'll pay a lot of money fixing
<br /> 1120 and upgrading your road. This is completely unavoidable,there is absolutely nothing you can do about it, if you put
<br /> 1121 this traffic on this road,you will be paying a lot to fix this road. Now the second thing I have to say is that in 2008, 1
<br /> 1122 had the pleasure and privilege of being involved with the city councils of both San Diego California and Lexington
<br /> 1123 Kentucky as they both considered proposals from businesses that did not want to reveal the sources of their funding
<br /> 1124 or their eventual tenants. San Diego took one look at the proposals, said if you're not revealing your tenants this is a
<br /> 1125 joke. Lexington was not so wise,they got involved in something called the Center Point fiasco, you can look it up.
<br /> 1126 It's destroyed the downtown of Lexington Kentucky to this day. If they're not willing to reveal who the tenants are, it
<br /> 1127 is not a serious proposal, it should not be seriously considered. Finally, I will say that although I thank everyone for
<br /> 1128 staying up so late, it's 10:40 at night and there's not been one single resident yet who has spoken in favor of this
<br /> 1129 proposal. The Planning Commission is there as the representative of the people of Hillsborough, many people have
<br /> 1130 mentioned that they don't have enough time to speak, I thinks it's odd that the Planning Commission is limiting the
<br /> 1131 time of people to respond when they are not limiting their time after all you there,are you not, to represent these
<br /> 1132 people? You should take this seriously,you should look at the fact that absolutely no resident appear to be in favor
<br /> 1133 of this at all. You should consider that,thank you very much for your time.
<br /> 1134
<br /> 1135 Jean-Francois Provost: My name is Jean-Francois Provost and we just moved in last July on Old 86,we are south of
<br /> 1136 Davis Road. I have several things to say,first we have{inaudible}of trucks coming into our driveway and a truck
<br /> 1137 coming right angle you have to go in other lane so we had to stop the traffic on Old 86 to have some trucks on our
<br /> 1138 property,that's the first thing. When we bought the land a few months after we got invited to a public hearing
<br /> 1139 because there was already a project,that actual project is bigger than the previous one but it was just one project out
<br /> 1140 of three projects so there was commercial zone on Old 86 near the exit of 1-40 and there was a third one very close
<br /> 1141 {inaudible}, so the traffic, the lady who explains that the traffic is going to be ok,she doesn't take account the next
<br /> 1142 project which is coming maybe. If there is three projects, the traffic impact created by this project,why we came
<br /> 1143 tonight, is also two other projects so increase the traffic significantly. So we have to take account not only this project
<br /> 1144 but the whole amount around the perimeter. Thank you for listening to me.
<br /> 1145
<br /> 1146 Jon Boxter: Good evening, thank you for your time,we really do appreciate you giving each of us an opportunity to
<br /> 1147 share our feelings. I'm a middle school teacher and my wife, Shannon, is an ICU nurse,we live on Old 86 3 houses
<br /> 1148 from Davis Road with our 3 year old son,we're one of the handful of houses in 1000 feet of the development that
<br /> 1149 received the original notification letter. We live along the 3500 feet of linear road that has been quoted,the back of
<br /> 1150 Building C as currently planned,would be highly visible from the Duke Utility road that runs beside our property
<br /> 1151 where we watch our son and our neighbors children play every single night. The staggering amount of 200 vehicles
<br /> 1152 that would be routed onto Davis Road during peak hours as has been quoted,would then pass directly in front of our
<br /> 1153 home. So that's effecting, at least surrounding us on three sides. My family and I unequivocally disapprove of the
<br /> 1154 actions being proposed, our opinion has been shaped not out of a hard line"NIMBY"attitude towards development of
<br /> 1155 the area as many other people have pointed out,we bought our home with the understanding and tacit expectation
<br /> 1156 that the area north of us would inevitably be developed as zoned. However,this sheer lack of adequate
<br /> 1157 infrastructure surrounding this particular project make is impossible to support. The addition of Davis Road as a
<br /> 1158 second access point has been admitted to be done after the fact in order to satisfy NCDOT. Anyone who lives near
<br /> 1159 Old 86 has noticed the increase in traffic over the past few years. That road along with those that feed into it despite
<br /> 1160 what cherry picked traffic study suggest about specific intersections we'll have trouble handling the number of cars
<br /> 1161 and trucks that are being estimated. From a safety standpoint, it will be disastrous for those of us living along the
<br /> 1162 route. After crossing under 1-40 you pass that service road that's been repeatedly mentioned by a number of houses
<br /> 1163 on both sides,you come a slight hill and there is essentially a blind curve that the utility line overpass, my home as
<br /> 1164 well as two are located right after the Duke utility road. I find myself looking multiple times in each direction and
<br /> 1165 saying literally a prayer before pulling in and out of my driveway. I signal a 114 mile before I even turn so that cars
<br /> 1166 don't rear-end me or side swipe my vehicle as I exit. Almost daily, horns honk, cars lock up their brakes as they
<br /> 1167 speed south on Old 86 before coming upon a car turning past the blind curve in a driveway or onto Davis Road. It's
<br /> 1168 incredible that more accidents don't already occur here and adding further traffic and stopped cars is a literal disaster
<br />