Approved 9/2/2020
<br /> 1001 condition but I will for the rest of my life wonder what part interstate 40 has played in this. Interstate 40 is on my
<br /> 1002 property or what used to be my property, I hear the roar of traffic spewing exhaust 24/7 so the question is, are you
<br /> 1003 willing to gamble with the futures of these kids to attain an increased tax base and jobs neither of which do I ever
<br /> 1004 believe will every come to fruition in the levels that you're being led to believe. In closing, I'll say this, in the course of
<br /> 1005 my 40-year career at UNC and Duke, I've reviewed 100s of presentations and proposals, many worth 100s of
<br /> 1006 millions of dollars per year and I can tell you this proposal contains a lot of smoke and mirrors. There's a lot of
<br /> 1007 meaningless rhetoric in the narrative, if you remove the rhetoric and look at the details,that are available you'll see
<br /> 1008 the County will spend more money than will be recouped in taxes and you'll also find that the jobs that we all seek
<br /> 1009 don't actually exist and likely never will. No matter your perspective or goal,whether you're a community member or
<br /> 1010 a county official, if you look at it closely, it's easy to see no one's goals are met. Nobody win with this proposal, no
<br /> loll matter how you slice it, dice it, look closely,this proposal is nothing more that lipstick on a pig. If you take the lipstick
<br /> 1012 off and look at it, it's still a pig. Thank you.
<br /> 1013
<br /> 1014 Franklin Garland: The reason (bad connection/unintelligible) it doesn't fit, it's not(bad connection/unintelligible). I've
<br /> 1015 been here since 1973 from Pittsburg and previously(bad connection/unintelligible), settled here bought some land,
<br /> 1016 bought a car. In 1981, 1 understand now was the first go round of establishing the EDD, I never knew about it. In fact
<br /> 1017 (bad connection/unintelligible) I didn't know about it until maybe 2 weeks ago, I can't be sure I was ever notified. If
<br /> 1018 that's a valid point about knowing, everything that has happened, (bad connection/unintelligible) I've never received
<br /> 1019 any notice. At the time, I'd probably said sure let's put a waste, let's put a dump out there that was 40 years ago.
<br /> 1020 Things have changed and I know I am repeating myself a little bit but me just thank the residents of the area that has
<br /> 1021 spoken so far and given you guys on the Board,we don't want this. Most of those numbers came off your literature
<br /> 1022 or the state's literature not ours, okay. Observation or different things,we know how many cars are on Davis, I live
<br /> 1023 on Ode Turner. I know how many cars are on Ode Turner. I really think that the guys that have presented for
<br /> 1024 residents out here, the numbers and have said so(bad connection/unintelligible). Also, I want to thank the people
<br /> 1025 from (bad connection/unintelligible)that gave us the projected numbers and models and let me put it even more
<br /> 1026 simple, simulations that's what they are simulations, they not real. We know what's real over here,we sent out a
<br /> 1027 petition it's called save out there. Everybody's welcome to go on there,we have people from
<br /> 1028 Hillsborough signing we have close to 4000 or so by now these are our neighbors. This is actually getting effective
<br /> 1029 by putting this (bad connection/unintelligible)not Chapel Hill. Chapel Hill is going collect money from that. We could
<br /> 1030 have some other alternatives, let me suggest something,we could put a visitor's center out there. Not a rest area,
<br /> 1031 not a place to go to the restroom and gas up but a visitor's center that has that presents for example,the artisans and
<br /> 1032 farmers that have goat cheese that sell here. Jewelers,we have marvelous that could sell the wares at a visitor's
<br /> 1033 center of an on/off ramp(bad connection/unintelligible)and they could sell local wines in there, have a wine tasting
<br /> 1034 and that would bring revenue not only for the people that live here in this community(bad connection/unintelligible)
<br /> 1035 you could have people providing ...
<br /> 1036
<br /> 1037 Ellen Mayer: I live off David Road and I don't have anything original after what everybody's talking about. I'd like to
<br /> 1038 thank the Mitchells for their talking about air quality air pollution and also noise pollution,which is very important. I'm
<br /> 1039 one of the elderly, in my 70s, I'm also a bit upset that I believe his name was Frank, not knowing the difference
<br /> 1040 between Raleigh and Hillsborough where they built things in Raleigh, I didn't buy a house in Raleigh, I don't want to
<br /> 1041 live there. I want to live in rural community, I worry about my grandkids visiting and living here and breathing in this
<br /> 1042 air from all these trucks that are polluting and also the safely. I'll never get out as those trucks on Davis to Old 86,
<br /> 1043 they're 72 feet. There's not going to be a light where they're coming out and turning. They're going to come out and
<br /> 1044 I'm going to try to get in between them and sometimes winter comes to North Carolina and the roads are icy. We're
<br /> 1045 just asking for a disaster. Any where near the preschool with cars turning with little kids and trucks coming out,good
<br /> 1046 luck. I appreciate you staying up this late, listening to us; I really hope you're listening. This does not belong in this
<br /> 1047 area or I don't know where in Orange County for something this big belongs but certainly not a that intersection and
<br /> 1048 on Davis Road which is a country road, I don't care what officially it's called. It's a winding country beautiful road.
<br /> 1049 Okay,thank you and have a good night.
<br /> 1050
<br /> 1051 Joseph Shore: So my name is Joseph Shore and I live on Old 86 between Davis Road and interstate 40. The 3500
<br /> 1052 linear feet that the gentleman quoted earlier,the developer said it wouldn't affect anyone but this is literally in front of
<br /> 1053 my house so I'll be directly impacted by this. I believe something like 16 or 17 homes on this little stretch of road that
<br /> 1054 will be directly impacted by that so 16 families, once again he acted like it won't affect anyone but obviously that just
<br /> 1055 wildly incorrect. My biggest concern is with our home value. Someone mentioned this earlier but I have a proposal.
<br /> 1056 Like many people in the middle class, my home is my(inaudible)and I greatly fear that this development will make
<br />