Orange County NC Website
Approved 9/2/2020 <br /> 945 be incorporated into the historic Town of Hillsborough and is across the street from a church, daycare center and a <br /> 946 cemetery? Why are we considering a project that consist of four six-story buildings? What are the advantages? <br /> 947 Why is this location better than the Buckhorn Economic Development District? Lastly, I would remind everyone that <br /> 948 when go fishing for bass you don't settle for carp,you should wisely choose a development project that matches our <br /> 949 needs and our values. I would also remind everyone not to put the cart before the horse, until the issue of <br /> 950 improvements on Churton Street and Old NC 86 are addressed,further development around this outdated artery <br /> 951 should not be approved. I want to thank you for your time and the consideration of all the points we are making here <br /> 952 tonight. <br /> 953 <br /> 954 Matthew Kostura: I just want to sum up a little bit what has been said so far. I also want to start at the top with jobs. <br /> 955 We had a really nice pitch at the beginning of there, it was a pitch, it was designed to be a pitch, its marketing. The <br /> 956 number thrown out for you guys to consider is 4500 jobs. Seriously, you guys just approved, recently a development <br /> 957 on West Ten Road that is very similar to this one. That's for the medical device distribution center. 150 jobs for 1.5 <br /> 958 million sq.ft.that's about what you're going to be getting here x 2'/2 maybe so figure 450 so what this is all about <br /> 959 really is tax revenue,you know that, I think everybody else does. So, as the last speaker said there's other ways to <br /> 960 skin this cat and you can get your tax revenue with better development. Something that is more compatible with this <br /> 961 area. As far as the kind of development going in, again, as has been mentioned,they are using the code, they're <br /> 962 telling you what's going to go in here and it's LUC150. That's a warehouse; it's not going to be an office. It's <br /> 963 warehouse so your impact is traffic, it's trucks and you have to worry about trucks. How many trucks in and out? <br /> 964 Bob Bundschuh has basically said about 1000 minimum per day. That's a lot of trucks and they all come out on <br /> 965 Davis Road by the way every last one. Thirdly is I want to bring up something about Christa Greene, she made a <br /> 966 comment about the traffic impact on Davis is going to be minimal. Certainly, at the head that's going to be true. <br /> 967 When they did their traffic modeling what they did not do was include the biggest driver of traffic gain on that road in <br /> 968 the last 10 years or so and that's the school complex over on Grady Brown. All that traffic is being built up there is <br /> 969 going to school. It was not modeled, at all, into their models so that's not included, it's a lot of traffic. Finally, I want <br /> 970 to point out that Davis Road has been mentioned, Craig Benedict called it a collector road. That's what it's viewed as <br /> 971 by NCDOT. But basically, past Ode Turner where they have another counting station, it's about an annual average <br /> 972 1000 daily trips. You count the number of houses on Davis Road, the ones that access it from Tree Farm,that's <br /> 973 roughly 200 homes by 2 cars by 2 trips a day. Virtually every trip on Davis Road comes out of these development <br /> 974 and these homes. There is no through traffic here, it's very minimal. So,what you're asking now is to put a lot of <br /> 975 through traffic on it. Adam Beeman is going to sit there and say no, no, no; no truck driver is going to make a right <br /> 976 hand turn,fine. We had Michael Birch say they'd be willing to put a sign up that say no right turn for trucks out of the <br /> 977 development. Take him up on the offer, put that sign up and while you're at it put a sign up that says no right turn on <br /> 978 Old 86 either. You guys are pitching this all about 3000 linear feet of road,well keep the trucks there. Thank you <br /> 979 very much. <br /> 980 <br /> 981 Gerald Scarlett: This is Gerald Scarlett, I'll make this as brief as possible. I live on West Scarlett Mountain,which is <br /> 982 30 feet south of the Davis Road intersection. I have been here for 65 years,which is my entire life. I'd like to make 2 <br /> 983 points as quickly as possible,although I have 100s. Number one is the Rural Buffer, it makes no sense to be able to <br /> 984 stand in a Rural Buffer and move 6 inches north and now I'm in an industrial park. In most places there's a physical <br /> 985 soft approach to these types of divides and not just a line on a map. There is none of that here. If you approve this <br /> 986 then you should change the name of the Rural Buffer to just Buffer because that's what it is. It is nothing more than a <br /> 987 compression point between Chapel Hill, Carrboro, Hillsborough and 2 interstate systems. We have been involuntarily <br /> 988 drafted into perpetual service to provide guard duty to for the rest of the County and yet we still pay the same tax <br /> 989 rates as other outside the buffer who actually get to enjoy some of the rural setting that we no longer have. Point <br /> 990 number 2, we're talking about potentially 100s of trucks that have to drive through part of the Rural Buffer and each <br /> 991 one of those has got to stop and start somewhere between 6 and 24 times to enter and leave the Hillsborough area <br /> 992 leaving a trail of exhaust each time. I believe in a recent past budget cycle Orange County set aside half a million <br /> 993 dollars of taxpayer money to"fight climate change and global warming"this proposal seems counterproductive to the <br /> 994 stated goals bordering on being hypocritical. I've always found the easiest and cheapest solution to a problem is just <br /> 995 don't create it to start with. Also understand, as previously stated there is a daycare within 100 yards of 4 to 6 of <br /> 996 those stop and starts in addition to all the kids living in the immediate vicinity. On a personal note, I'll tell you that my <br /> 997 38-year-old son who lives here is right in intensive care in Chapel Hill. He had surgery yesterday to remove infection <br /> 998 from in and around his lungs, likely caused by aspergillus and other unknown environmental factors. You should <br /> 999 google aspergillus or look it up on the CDC website. In the next couple of days they'll likely operate again to remove <br /> 1000 2/3rd of one of his lungs because it's been damaged by the infection. There are a lot of factors in his current <br />