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Approved 9/2/2020 <br /> 665 afforded by this small town and its rural surroundings. I must voice opposition to the zoning amendment being <br /> 666 considered which will support the development of RTLP. Please give priority consideration to the local, rural and <br /> 667 small town community and to the public interest at large over that of investors and developers. I now feel compelled <br /> 668 to echo concerns expressed regarding the traffic impact analysis, conceptually I cannot understand how anticipated <br /> 669 volume of traffic assessments matched the reality of how these roads are utilized or how the capacity and road <br /> 670 designs regardless of designation allow for safety and driver comfort which is crucial to residents day to day. I cannot <br /> 671 reconcile in my mind why a new analysis is not required prior to any recommendation of adopting the zoning <br /> 672 amendments initiated by the applicant. Specifically due to the use of 2016 data exclusion of the impact from the <br /> 673 Collins Ridge development and applicant's July request for an increase for area ratio it would allow, if I read this <br /> 674 correctly in the agenda package,4,586,868 sq.ft.of building square footage area. The TIA I read looked to be <br /> 675 based on 2,400,000 sq.ft. of development so I can't reconcile in my mind why a new one is not required and <br /> 676 clarification would be appreciated. Having reviewed the available online Comprehensive Plan, I'd argue that the <br /> 677 presented industrial development supported by this rezoning is not fundamentally aligned with the current goals of <br /> 678 Hillsborough and Orange County. The Statement of Consistency highlights the zoning amendment is consistent with <br /> 679 selects goals but no available data has convinced me that this type of development is the best path forward for the <br /> 680 area. Consider these objectives not mentioned in the consistency statement,community sustainability, how would <br /> 681 this rezoning support a commitment to sustainability? How much water will be needed from the Town? Are we going <br /> 682 to build something and not a have a water system to accommodate it, not based on the current plans I found <br /> 683 Strategic Growth Plan. Preservation of natural and cultural resources, how does this support protecting our Rural <br /> 684 Buffer? It's too late to assess environmental impact on our natural settings after the fact. Economic growth over <br /> 685 investor wealth, data showing specific economic benefits to our community is warranted. Increasing global jobs is <br /> 686 not demonstrated value to the local residents. Since you're charged with advising on these strategies, shouldn't you <br /> 687 be using all the relevant data to ensure compliance? I'm asking you to recommend failing this application fast. <br /> 688 There's too many knowledge gaps, many inconsistencies and I hope upcoming meetings with the Commissioners <br /> 689 can instead be about the community sharing our many ideas, establishing a task force and developing a relevant <br /> 690 action plan for progress with other than having to oppose this one. Thank you for your time. <br /> 691 <br /> 692 Jon Lorusso: I wanted to point out before I begin, I started a petition and I have collected three, 873 signatures from <br /> 693 local residents. Hopefully,that has some impact, some bearing on your opinion. My name is Jon Lorusso and I live <br /> 694 off Davis Road. The intersection of Old 86 and Davis Road is very important to me, I use it to get to work, I use it to <br /> 695 get food for my family to eat, I use it to access 1-40, 1 use it go see friends and family, I use it to get to the hospital. In <br /> 696 fact, I have had to do that on several occasions with my children so it's pretty important intersection to my life, in fact <br /> 697 it's my entire connection to the world. At the July 2th neighborhood information meeting someone asked what steps <br /> 698 are being taken to preserve our safely from additional traffic on Davis Road, the applicant replied,very minimal traffic <br /> 699 on Davis Road given that they have access to the service road. Another person asked why is this being used that it <br /> 700 provides another point of access. County staff clarified that a secondary driveway access would require, quote <br /> 701 "require secondary access point". In a letter to Chuck Edwards on August 5th, this was sent prior to the meeting on <br /> 702 August 51h so Matt Peach already knew about this when he presented it to us, "all traffic exiting the site headed north <br /> 703 will have to turn left out of David Road"so to just go to what Mr. Blankfard said,the issue is not that traffic will be <br /> 704 making a right onto Davis Road. We know that it won't happen, very little,what the issue is, is that Davis Road will <br /> 705 become a driveway for this facility, it will no longer be a public road, it will be an actual driveway for the facility. The <br /> 706 website for this developer makes it clear they want access to 1-40 so all the traffic coming out, 90%of the vehicle <br /> 707 exiting will exit via Davis Road. They won't exit via service road they'll exit on their personal driveway which is not <br /> 708 Davis Road. Mr. Peach said that acceptable levels of service on all approaches and note this 23.3 second delaying <br /> 709 second per vehicle on Old 86 and Davis Road. 206 vehicles plus the existing 94 vehicles for a total of 300 vehicles <br /> 710 will be headed east on Davis Road. That's five vehicles per minute, 1 vehicle every 12 seconds. If you have a 23.3 <br /> 711 second delay that means you can only clear 2.58 vehicle per minute from that intersection or 155 vehicles per hour. <br /> 712 That means at the end of that hour, 145 vehicles will be queued at that intersection. Even if it's only, my estimate is it <br /> 713 will be 960 trucks per day that means at the peak hour there will be 40 trucks, 1 truck every 1.5 minutes. That means <br /> 714 20 trucks will be queued in the peak hour west of Old 86 on Davis Road, 20 trucks, if they are 72 feet long trucks, <br /> 715 only 14 can fit if they are back to back on Davis Road. That means at least six trucks are going to back up into the <br /> 716 facility. <br /> 717 <br /> 718 Ron Sieber: This is Ron Sieber, I live on New Hope Springs Drive which is right off of Davis Road. I wanted to say <br /> 719 just to begin that the RTLP anticipated traffic data is undercounted because it's based on the Settler's Point traffic as <br /> 720 previously mentioned and that project is distinctly smaller in scale to RTLP. Therefore, RTLP's data is deficient. <br />