Orange County NC Website
Over the last two years, the APB has at length discussed, reviewed and developed <br />recommendations regarding changes to the ordinance. These changes fall generally into two <br />categories: <br />Changes to the ordinance to allow for more alternative and organic, farms to <br />participate in the Voluntary Agricultural District program, and <br />Changes to the definition of geographic agricultural regions to clarify the nature of <br />districts and how this affects the makeup of the APB. <br />In 2003, the proposed revisions were transmitted to the County Attorney for review and <br />comment (along with questions related to the statutory provisions dealing with Voluntary <br />Agricultural Districts). After receiving the Attorney's review and suggested modifications, the <br />APB considered the changes again and, on March 16`h, approved the recommended <br />changes to be submitted to the Board of Commissioners for ratification. <br />In summary, the changes to the Ordinance that are reflected in the attached would serve the <br />following purposes: <br />Lower the acreage threshold from 80 acres to 20 acres to allow far more small farms <br />and alternative/organic operations to qualify; <br />Modify the terms and definitions of Voluntary Agricultural Districts to be in keeping with <br />new model ordinances and other new ordinances in other counties - to create <br />geographic areas as "districts" within which qualifying farms would enroll, and provide <br />that a member from these farms within a geographic district would be appointed <br />(currently, each farm was its own district and had a dedicated seat on the board); and <br />Make needed membership and attendance changes <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no financial impact associated with the proposed changes to <br />the Ordinance. Voluntary Agricultural Districts are anon-binding voluntary program in which <br />no funding is involved, Possible indirect impacts might be resultant increases in program <br />applications may be expected as a result, which will have associated staff resource (impact <br />on staff workload) costs, and the cost of signs for each new Voluntary Agricultural District <br />participating farms may be impacted (the cost for which is included in each year's annual <br />operating budget for the ERCD). <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board discuss the proposed <br />changes and approve the Ordinance revisions, with changes as needed. <br />