Orange County NC Website
<br />;~ <br />----- Original Message ----- <br />From: <ficklecreek@mindspring.cbm> <br />To: [>;>; <br />>;>; <br />> <br />Cc: < <br />Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 9:03 AM <br />Subject: Rural Guest Establishments <br />> Greetings, <br />> I attended the meeting on Tuesday night with the intention of commenting <br />on the proposed Orange County Zoning Text Amendments. Regrettably, the <br />meeting was adjourned to Thursday and i am unable to attend. It was <br />suggested that i email comments to the commissioners. <br />> I congratulate Orange county for taking the important step to encourage <br />agrotourism through rural bed and breakfasts. In many other areas of the US <br />and Europe, these establishments provide important connections for urban and <br />subruraban folks to gain first hand appreciation for agriculture and help <br />support farm diversification that brings in added income. As with most <br />issues that Orange County gets involved with, it is done 'with gusto' -with <br />these amendments, i feel that the rules could be made easier to understand <br />and less cumbersone for folks interested in beginning a rural b and b. my <br />specific comments are provided below. <br />> <br />~ 1. pg 110; a). This site plan can be a costly enterprise if it <br />involves a complete survey of the complete property. Perhaps, this could be <br />modified to a less cumbersome requirement for the 1 to 3 BR B and B <br />category. Most property has a plat map but newer construction and roads may <br />not be on this map that is recorded in the deeds office. Would it be <br />possible to ask applicants to draw to scale items 1) to 9)? Another option <br />would be require that this be completed for facilities that are located <br />within 300 feet or 500 feet of another property. <br />> 2. pg 111; b). This seems overkill far a 1 to 3 BR B and B that <br />will likely no other employees. <br />> <br />~ 3. pg 111; d). Why is this important to Orange County Government? <br />Again, if the facility is located away from a road and would not alter the <br />visual aesthetic for drivers on state roads it seems unimportant for the <br />county to have jurisdiction over what an owner choses to do for landscaping. <br />Perhaps a minimum distance from property boundaries or roads would qualify <br />what situations fall under this concern. <br />> <br />> 4. pg 112; a). I did not have the opportunity to review the <br />requirements of 8.8 a) and a). My concern is requiring someone to <br />go to great expense to begin a small diversification of a larger farming <br />operation. <br />> <br />~ 5. pg 114; b). Requiring solar power seems to be micromanaging <br />the aspect of lighting. As long as the lighting system minimizes night-time <br />glare any type may be used. <br />> Thanks again for the opportunity to carsnent. I heartily support the <br />general intent of the proposed amendments to foster diversification of farms <br />and rural areas and enhance important linkages between rural and urban <br />communities. <br />~ sincerely <br />> noah ranells <br />