Agenda - 08-21-2001-9b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 08-21-2001
Agenda - 08-21-2001-9b
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Minutes - 08-21-2001
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JUNE 26, 1996 PUBLIC HEARING MINUTES <br />2 Mary V1111Gs laid that with <br />3 futiaa that would brt ~d fa the use of eaustirtg barns ar farnt.fypa buildings in the <br />4 ~ Pr~tad under C-4. St+e said that what they are hying to do with this <br />~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ is ~g b build a new building, an accessory building. for the <br />5 of cortdiaedt~q a home aaarp~, that it be 1,000 aquas feet and that d taka art a nesi4nttia! <br />0 apFeeran~ to try fb blend it with that anaai. Thera are P~siona for existirop buildings that may be <br />7 a~rtverced bD I'ocr-t• ocws in the future retiardl~s of the aPGe~'anca of the buildng. <br />9 <br />9 A rttatian was made by Corrimiasioner Gordon, seconded by Commiassioner Crowther m <br />1t7 rt~ar this amt t4 fire Grange County Planning Board for a <br />11 the gparq pf ~ tv be reduned 60 <br />12 VOTE: UNANIMOUSC.arrtmissioners no s+aorter than August 5,19510. <br />13 <br />1d B. p~ ~yG ORDINAfNC ~ AEN ONEIVT - ARTfC 5.$.24 FItSTO <br />15 ~ - ~~~ R~JC <br />16 Planner Mary Wipis made this <br />1T This proposed amertdn~enl bo the pressrriafion. All background Irrfonmation is in the agenda. <br />18 ~~ Ordinarrca would bQ b Article 8.8.24 to include historLc <br />~~ ~ wed as•SbUC0.p'e3 ~ ~ cons~eratioQ of Spacial Use Permits for iha non-residential use of <br />19 hisEoric sfrt~tures` <br />~ Cammissiarwr Gordan sslced that this amandmsrtt be reviewed in the context of a <br />21 Atoderrt house with historic ~. <br />Z2 THERl; VYERB NO PUBLIC CQt1AMENTS <br />Z3 <br />Z4 A matbn was made try Cater Gordon. secnrtded by Commissioner Cnowpler <br />25 b rater ibis item m the Orange County Planning @aard for a reccmmendabcrt tc be reoJmed bo ttw <br />2T 1/GTE U IIVO~~~ r~ ~Oner tlran August 5, 1950. <br />2t3 <br />~ ~. D SUN t~f ULATt 1'B~T A~IETIDIdI i~11T . A,~ <br />~ ~t1=SIT T~ BOIVISt N APPR0~1~ <br />31 Phrrn~er Mary VWGs m~ this flan, Tflis tsdtniewl arnendrnertt would dalele the <br />32 requ~mprtt in tl'r4 Subdivisicrt Or~narca that a Planning Staff merrlber be present each time a final <br />33 plat is t+e~ed in tJ~e Re~~r mi Deeds Office. TItB purpose of t#~ provision is to insure that aq <br />34 required auxiliary doaama~ts, skxh as Road ~ AgreamertTs and Dedardion of R~tricdOns <br />~ are recorded wtth the plat <br />37 Reg~x o1 Dceds, t3elty Jurta Hayes i~ted sl'te does not endorse this amendment <br />38 and that stle an'if svtxns her ccrnmer~ ~ rKiprp wt~ch w~l >Mr dad in the agenda when d is <br />39 resumed m fhs Courtly Comrrtissicraers 1br cons9deradon of appraral, <br />41 THER):1NERE NfD CRP.E~I CO~NrS <br />~z <br />43 A rrtodcrt was roads b7- Commissioner Gordan. seccneed b!I Carrur~ianer Cruwttwr to <br />d4 rater this ittern 1iD ihs Plart~tir~p 13oand fora b be rehpmed b d1e Board of County <br />dS Car'+mtsaioraes rrp sccrxrthan August 5, 1950. <br />40 vat: uN~ . <br />47 <br />49 ,losers t.irtic sxaron~izsd ttw irtfattlabert in tti.e agenda. Pt~sirtp Dtre~t Parts Jcxtas <br />50 ~ ntiade referardta to q'ae irt6omrtat3pl, Sim surrntariasd the steeps talcert oa pkrrdlase the <br />51 ~ !~ an ateroriew CI the aasassrrter~ ttte physipl wort a the <br />~ . the that wdl to offer®d and tl7e upflt f1"tat w~l a necs:;ary wtq'i retamd costs. <br />~ Carrttnisaikrtar Gordan expnas3ad a ccrtcam that the Envira7ntsrdal Assasarnent trs <br />5; d~ IrJ ~ and that; fhae be enouptt manoy far the upfit <br />
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