Orange County NC Website
22. LTC discussion tabled for discussion in subcommittee. Vibeke to head subcommittee. What are the <br /> needs? Need better and more NH & LTC in Orange County. Discuss, how to address and get buy in <br /> from nursing homes. Have a one-time meeting to determine priorities, tasks. Subcommittee: Dick, <br /> Heather,Jerry, Rachel, Shenae, Cherie. <br /> 23. Meals on Wheels and OCRA are merging on June 29th. Everyone is excited. The new name will be MOW <br /> OC. Serving Chapel Hill, Carrboro and rural Orange County. Serve older adults in our community <br /> together to ensure equitable access across county. OCRA currently provides 2 meals a week, CH MOW <br /> 5. The goal is to up meals in rural Orange County to 5 a week & offer equitable service across the <br /> county. Funding is needed to make this happen. <br /> 24. Cherie announced that the PiAP Power of Partnership event has been postponed, looking at <br /> rescheduling for next September or October. The Diversity in Aging Symposium has also been <br /> postponed, new date to be determined. <br /> Adjournment <br /> Next meeting: Tuesday,April 14, 1-3 p.m. Passmore Center <br />