Agenda - 08-21-2001-9a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 08-21-2001
Agenda - 08-21-2001-9a
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8/29/2008 10:33:49 AM
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Minutes - 08-21-2001
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2000's\2001
NS RES-2001-081a Resolution to approve an Ordinance for a Special Use Permit, Class A for Olive Branch Inn Bed and Breakfast for use S54 Historic Sites Non-residential/Mixed Use
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\Board of County Commissioners\Resolutions\2000-2009\2001
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The proposed use must be found to comply with these general conditions <br />Analysis of the General conditions <br />In order for the Board of County Commissioners to grant a SpecialUse Permit for the proposed Bed & <br />Breakfast it must find, in part, that "The use will maintain or enhance the value of contiguous property." <br />To determine if the proposed Bed &c Breakfast meets this condition, the conditionmust first be evaluated. <br />Like most, the Orange County Zoning Ordinance does not offer specific definitions for the key words in <br />this condition. For most of these terms a simple dictionary definition seems appropriate and applicable. <br />However, the dictionary definition for the term `tiralue" does not seem appropriate or applicable <br />because it fails to describe the unique nature of the term "value" as it applies to real estate. Atypical <br />definition for "value" would include: "the amount of money or other commodity or service etc, considered <br />to be equivalent to something else or for which a thing can be exchanged." Because a more applicable <br />definition for the term "value" was deemed necessary, thetextbook NORTH CAROLINA REAL ESTATE <br />i+OR BROKERS AND ALESMEN was consulted. <br />According to this textbook the term "value"may be generally defined as "the quantity of one commodity <br />that can be obtained in exchange for another." However, this value-in-exchange concept is only one side of <br />the coin. The other side is the value-in-use concept which is based oq the productivity of an economic <br />good to its owner-user. THE LAN ll GE OF REAL ESTATE APPRAISA refers to this as "user value" <br />and defines the term, in part, as "the value of a property or space to a specific user. Sometimes more <br />particularly the value of a property designed or adopted to fit the specific requirements of the user." <br />In terms of residential development, the "user value" may simply be the value the owner places on their <br />property as it is used or expected to be used. In other words, the value one places on their real property, <br />their home and land, is personal to the owner. This value is an expression of how the owner personally <br />values their property and how they use it, not the value-in-exchangethat would be expected for this <br />property. <br />The Board must also f5nd that the proposed Bed 8c Breakfast "...will be in harmony with the area in which <br />it is to be located and the use is in compliance with the plan for physical development of the County..." As <br />above, "harmony" is not defined in the Zoning Ordinance. One dictionary definition for the term is <br />"agreement, concord." While little insight is offered as to the intention of this condition, it may generally <br />be agreed that the proposed use should "Fit" the area. Also, this condition requires that the use must <br />comply with applicable development plans. <br />As noted above, the Zoning Ordinance identifies the proposed Bed do Breakfast as a "Class A Special Use" <br />in its "Schedule of Permitted Uses." (Uses that are not expressly permitted in this section are prohibited.) <br />The approval process for such Special Uses allows the County to carefully examine the proposed use and to <br />utilize "special care ,in the control of their location and methods of operation." This process allows the <br />County to fulfill its responsibility for protecting the public health, safety and general welfare. This <br />responsibility reflects the spirit, the intent, of the regulations that apply to Special Uses. A use that is <br />located, cons~ucted, and operated in such a way as to protect public health, safety and general welfare, <br />should be considered in compliance with the spirit of these regulations. <br />Compliance with the general conditions <br />Will the proposed use maintain or enhance the value of contiguous property? Will the proposed use be in <br />harmony with the area and in compliance with the County's plan for physical development?And, does the <br />proposed use comply with the spirit of the County's land use regulations? <br />The proposed use is a Bed & Breakfast that will have a "Full" capacity of six (6) guests. This Bed 8c <br />Breakfast is located on a forty-seven acre tract of land thatis owned by Elizabeth P. Davidson. The <br />proposed Bed & Breakfast would not adversely impact the "value-in-use" or "user-value" of contiguous or <br />nearby properties. The Bed & Breakfast would not prevent or degrade.the ability of the owner-user from <br />continuing to use these properties for residential or other allowed purposes. <br />
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