Orange County NC Website
ii <br />HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION <br />At its June 27, 2001 meeting, the Orange County Historic Preservation Commission reviewed <br />an application for a Class A Special Use Permit to allow the property at 7015 NC 57, (TMBL # <br />1.15..8), to be used as a bed and breakfast. The Orange County Zoning Ordinance classifies <br />bed and breakfast uses as S54 Historic Sites Non-Residential/Mixed Use for our two main <br />residential zoning districts-Agricultural Residential (AR) and Rural Residential (R1). One of <br />the County's requirements for this use is "evidence that the property is on the National Historic <br />Register or recognized by the State of North Carolina as places of historic interest." The house <br />was listed on the National Register of Historic Places on August 8, 1998, as the Or. Arch Jordan <br />House. <br />Per Section of the Zoning Ordinance, Standards of Evaluation, eight specific standards <br />are to be used in deciding an application for this use; the following two standards fall within the <br />Historic Preservation Commission's purview. <br />b) Proposed uses and facilities are complementary and compatible with surrounding <br />area, and appropriate in the location proposed given character of surrounding <br />development. The proposed use of the historic structure shall be of shall a <br />nature so as to preserve the historic character of the site and the building. <br />Development of the site as proposed, would have no adverse impact beyond the <br />building except for appropriate parking facilities. <br />c) Structural alterations of historic structures shall be of such a nature as to <br />preserve the historic character of the building(s) and site. <br />Moan noted, that provision c) was not applicable since no changes to the house were proposed <br />as part of this application. <br />Aldridge made a motion that the proposed application for the Olive Branch Inn meets cxiteria b) <br />(as stated above) and will maintain the historic character of the house and property as required <br />by the Zoning Ordinance. <br />Flowers seconded the motion. <br />Vote: 5-0 <br />Present: Heath Aldridge, Chuck Cooper, Ed Flowers, Dale Georgiade, Rob Golan, <br />Absent or excused: Carolyn Connor, Renee Price <br />