Orange County NC Website
<br />(i) To Seller's actual knowledge, there is no pending appiication for changes in the zoning <br />affecting the Property (other than Buyer's anticipated applications relating to addition of a senior center) or any <br />action, suit, proceeding, appeal or other litigation which might affect such zoning, If Seller receives notice of any <br />application for changes in the present zoning of the Property, Seller shall immediately notify Buyer of same. <br />assessments <br />(ii) To Seller's actual knowledge, the Property is free from any pending or proposed <br />(iii) Seller has received no notice that there is a current violation of any applicable federal, <br />state or local law, ordinance, regulation, order, mle or requirement affecting the Property. <br />(iv) Seller has not received any notice from any city, county or other govemmental authority <br />of any taking of the Property, or any portion thereof, by eminent domain; and, to Seller's actual knowledge, no such <br />taking of the Property, or any portion t]rereof, is t}ueatened or contemplated. <br />(v) Neither the execution of this Agreement nor the consummation of the transaction <br />contemplated hereby will conflict with or result in a breach of the terms, conditions or provisions of, or constitute a <br />default under, any agreement or instrument to which Seller or any related party of Seller is a party or by which <br />Seller or any related party of Seller is bound. <br />(vi) No notice of violation or other written communication has been received by Seller from a <br />govemmental agency or any other entity or person alleging or suggesting an environmental law violation on the <br />Properiy <br />For purposes of this Agreement, "to the best of Seller's knowledge" or "to Seller's actual knowledge" does <br />not mean that Seller has an obligation to make an independent investigation prior to entering into Chis Agreement. <br />e) Renair Reserve. At Closing, Seller agrees to pay Tluee Hundred Thousand Dollars ($300,000..00) <br />to Buyer for use in connection with such repair and restoration of the Property as Buyer shall, in its sole discretion, <br />undertake (such amount, as adjusted pursuant to the second sentence of this subparagraph, to be referred to herein as <br />the "Repair Reserve") In the event any of the equipment set forth on Exhibit B fails prior to Closing, the cost of <br />major repair or replacement of such equipment by Seller shall be deducted from the Repair Reserve and retained by <br />Seller, <br />f) Payment of Advance Payments. At Closing, Seller shall also pay to Buyer (i) such portion of <br />the Advance Payment Amounts refereed to in Section 4(c) above, and (ii) such advance payments as shall be made <br />by users for any new programs or activities after the date hereof; in both cases as shall relate to the period after <br />Closing (collectively the "Post-Closing Prepaids"). <br />g) Emnlovee Matters. Seller intends to terminate all current employees, whether employed directly <br />by it or provided by a staffing agency, and all independent contractors, as of the date of Closing. Seller shall be <br />responsible for payment of any severance pay, vacation pay, or other costs incurred in connection with such <br />termination. In the event Buyer wishes to hire any such employees or independent contractors (and provided drat <br />such hiring does not create any liability for Seller under its confracts with any staffing agency or other person or <br />entity), Buyer may do so, and Seller shall reasonably cooperate with Buyer in connection with such reemployment. <br />h) Annlication for Zoning. Buyer agrees to promptly apply at its expense to Orange County, the <br />Town of Hillsborough, and any other relevant governmental authority for zoning and land use approval to add to the <br />Property a senior center and conmrmrity and recreational facility of approximately 8,000 square feet and to obtain <br />such other approvals as shall be necessary to permit the construction and use of such multipurpose facility <br />(collectively, such approvals and permits to be referred to as the "Expansion Zoning Approvals") Seller consents to <br />Buyer making the applications and agrees to provide to the Town of Hillsborough whatever evidence is necessary to <br />satisfy the Town of Hillsborough of this consent. <br />anrs~crnasar~s a <br />