<br />Mai1To: lCendall H. Pa a Col bia
<br />Thin Instrument was prapared hyKendall H, Pa e '
<br />RELEASE DEED - RD-1 Printed by James Williams & Co., Inc., P, O. Box 127, Yadkinville, N. C. 27055 3
<br />5'fATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, County.
<br />THIS DP.)rD, made and eataed~into this 7_5th _. day of July 2001 •~ _, by and between
<br />Geof`fre E. Gledh311 , Trustee, hereinafter called Trustee, sad
<br />,hereinafter called Note Holder, parry of the first part, and- _ ,,,
<br />_ EmPOWERment,z.~nc. •__, ;hereinafter referred to as parry of the second part, all of
<br />North Cazolina
<br />WITNESS$TH: That, Whereas, said party of the second part haetofote executed to said Trustee, a catain deed of trust, dated
<br />_ _ _ March 3 2000, and recorded in Book 2049 ,Page 5 51 , ___ Ora}t~e ~_
<br />Couuty Registry, to secure a certain note therein set out due and payable to the said Note Halda, patty of the fast part,
<br />and Wl-I13R13A5, said part? of the second part has requested the said Trustee, and the said Note Holder, parry of the first part, to
<br />release from the lien of said deed of trust so much of the land therein conveyed as is hereinafter described, and the said Note Holds,
<br />party of the fast part has agreed to do so and has requested said Trustee to join in said relpae:
<br />NOW THEREFORE, satd parties of the fast part, for and in consideration of the sum of .Ten Dollars anti-other valuable
<br />Considerations Dollars to them paid by the said party of the second part, have remised and released and by
<br />these presents do remise, release and forever quitclaim unto the said party of the second part and his heirs and assigns certain lands
<br />situate in the County of and State of North Carolina, in
<br />Township, and more pazticularly described as follows:
<br />BEING KNOWN~AND DESIGNATED as 100E as shown on a plat oz plats entitled
<br />"Pine Hill Condominium" recorded in Plat Book 88, Pages 92 and 93, in
<br />the Register of Deeds for Orange County, North Carolina, to which plat
<br />references are hereby made for a mote particulaz description of said
<br />unit.
<br />TO HAV$ AND TO HOLD said lands to him, the said party of the second part, and his heirs sad assigns, free and discharged from
<br />the lien of said decd o£ trust herein above referred to.
<br />But it is understood and agreed that this release shall apply only to so much of said lands as aze herein expressly described and
<br />conveyed, and that the remainder of said lands shall remain subject to the lien of acid decd of trust, and shall remain in full force and
<br />effect.
<br />When reference is made to the Trustee, any Party ar Parties, or to the Note Holder ar the Note, the singular shall include the plural
<br />and the masculine shall include the feminine or the neuter.
<br />IN TESTIMONY WHSREOP, said Trustee, and said Note Holder, party of the first part, have hereunto set their hands and seals, the
<br />day and year first above written, and
<br />a corporation, has caused this deed tv be signed in its corporate name by its President and attested by its__. _ '
<br />and sealed with its carparate seal, the day sad gear fast above writtep. '
<br />-- llvatee~SEAL)
<br />Geoffrey E. Gledhill
<br />SEAL)
<br />(SEAL)
<br />Orange County~~
<br />(Name of Corporation )
<br />Attest:
<br />Secretary gy
<br />