Agenda - 09-15-20; 5-c - Proposed Amendments to the Town of Hillsborough - OC Central Orange Coordinated Area (COCA) Land Use Plan and to the OC Comp Plan Future Land Use Map (FLUM)
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Agenda - 09-15-20 Virtual Business Meeting
Agenda - 09-15-20; 5-c - Proposed Amendments to the Town of Hillsborough - OC Central Orange Coordinated Area (COCA) Land Use Plan and to the OC Comp Plan Future Land Use Map (FLUM)
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9/10/2020 3:23:44 PM
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Tom Altieri: That is correct. There are just a few parcels that are addressed in the COCA Land Use Plan on the 56 <br />north side of the amendment area that are also covered in the County’s Future Land Use map so there’s a little 57 <br />overlap there. That’s why when we’re looking at amendments to the COCA Land Use Plan the acreage amount is 58 <br />different from the County’s Land Use Plan. I can point those out if you’d like to see the differences, I know you have 59 <br />the maps in your packets but there is just a few parcels and a few acres difference between the two amendments 60 <br />and that’s right along the northern boundary of the amendment area. 61 <br /> 62 <br />Melissa Poole: Will you flip back – I think it was 17, one of the maps where it had the star. (Map was shown) This is 63 <br />currently Rural Residential and the star is where the RTLP is planned to go. 64 <br /> 65 <br />Tom Altieri: Correct. 66 <br /> 67 <br />Melissa Poole: So, I guess my questions is that it seems like we are doing this backwards, for me if this is Rural 68 <br />Residential then why is RTLP planned to go there but we are only now talking about rezoning? It seems like we are 69 <br />doing this backwards. Am I misunderstanding? 70 <br /> 71 <br />Tom Altieri: What we are doing is responding to the Town’s expansion of its Urban Services area and we are 72 <br />reflecting that on the Joint Land Use Plan with Hillsborough and when that’s done, we need to apply a Future Land 73 <br />Use category to the map and that is the addition of the Suburban Office Complex. We also need to add a County 74 <br />Land Use classification which is Economic Development District. The County is not proposing rezoning so this 12 75 <br />acres would stay R1. However, there is another item on your agenda tonight where the developer is initiating a 76 <br />process to also amend the zoning, not just for the 12 acres where the star is, but for a couple of the parcels to the 77 <br />north as well. I hope that answers your question. These are really separate amendments. We have a County 78 <br />initiated amendment to implement the expansion of the Town’s Urban Services Area that is different and separate 79 <br />from the developer’s proposal and the rezoning required for RTLP. It’s just a matter of the two amendments share 12 80 <br />acres. Does that help? 81 <br /> 82 <br />Melissa Poole: Yes, thank you. 83 <br /> 84 <br />David Blankfard: Ok, we will take comments from the public. Please say your name and if you received a letter from 85 <br />the County about this amendment. Thank you. 86 <br /> 87 <br />Franklin Garland: My name is Franklin Garland and I live off of Ode Turner Road. It seems like this was tried 88 <br />already and I have a lot to say. Some people have ceded their time to me because I have spent the last two weeks 89 <br />actually doing research. Nobody on the south side of the I-40 wants this, ok, the residents. There’s approximately 90 <br />2000 residents that get involved in this. I know that you’re looking at just one particular piece of land out there but 91 <br />what does the public, what do the people of Orange County have to say about this? I am looking at the Code of 92 <br />Ethics, I’m looking at the Mission Statements, it says here “serve the residents of Orange County” “our residents 93 <br />come first”. Now the residents don’t want this, ok. I know that, I personally put out 2000 flyers last week and it’s 94 <br />unanimous out there that nobody wants it. So how can you force this on us, ok. Even though we don’t want it. That’s 95 <br />another question for the Planning and Inspections Board out here. I have many, many questions that go along here 96 <br />and I’m going to read a statement later on that maybe clarifies a whole lot but right now, my main question is what 97 <br />give you the right to just force this on us? Anybody? Want to care to answer? Who’s win? 98 <br /> 99 <br />David Blankfard: Your elected officials, they are the ones that started this with the Town... (interrupted) 100 <br /> 101 <br />Franklin Garland: So our elected officials… 102 <br /> 103 <br />David Blankfard: Hold on, let me finish, your elected officials are the ones that started this land use planning, years 104 <br />and years ago so I don’t know what to tell you. 105 <br /> 106 <br />Franklin Garland: in 1991, this was planned as an EDD, actually all this area out here was rural, and it was 107 <br />designated possibly as an Economic Development Area because I-40 wasn’t in place then. Once I-40 went in place, 108 <br />I believe in 1984, actually you said 1981. It actually was designated as is and this is 39 years ago. This whole area 109 <br />has grown to be residential now. It’s no longer open space and rural and like I said it’s a whole lot of people out 110 <br />there. If our elected officials are choosing to do this, why are they going in there with perceived ideas, and already 111 <br />8
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