Agenda - 09-15-20; 5-c - Proposed Amendments to the Town of Hillsborough - OC Central Orange Coordinated Area (COCA) Land Use Plan and to the OC Comp Plan Future Land Use Map (FLUM)
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Agenda - 09-15-20 Virtual Business Meeting
Agenda - 09-15-20; 5-c - Proposed Amendments to the Town of Hillsborough - OC Central Orange Coordinated Area (COCA) Land Use Plan and to the OC Comp Plan Future Land Use Map (FLUM)
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9/10/2020 3:28:50 PM
Creation date
9/10/2020 3:23:44 PM
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continue living where I am. So, as to what I want from you all is a voluntary deferment or delay of any action so we, 503 <br />the residents of this area, we can organize and we can retain legal counsel and we can prepare a plan or a counter 504 <br />plan and suggest some modifications to the zoning or the rezoning and suggest some modifications to the RTLP and 505 <br />come up with something that is reasonable. This is our area not the Planning Board’s area. We want to work with 506 <br />you and we want to organize we are not going to be run over and we are not going to be forced into this so I would 507 <br />like to ask you to consider postponing this and give us the time to organize and to get legal counsel. Hereby, I 508 <br />pledge $1,000 dollars of my money as seed money to begin this action. I thank you very much for your attention and 509 <br />God bless you. 510 <br /> 511 <br />Betty Garland: I just wanted to say that this is going to be in my backyard. We do a brisk agritourism business in 512 <br />general here and this is going to have a very negative impact on that. Also, regarding petitions and signatures we 513 <br />had about 5000 against the Summit project but it got voted in anyway so like if we had 30,000 signatures would that 514 <br />get somebody’s attention? I would like to get that really clarified if I can. That’s it. 515 <br /> 516 <br />Kaila Mitchell: I’m Kaila Mitchell, I live on Jedi Way my parents live on one side and then my in-laws live on the other 517 <br />we are about a quarter of a mile down the road from Old 86. Before we move here, at the end of 2017, my husband 518 <br />Matt Mitchell spoke with Michael Harvey asking about the development plans as far as that expansion that plot that 519 <br />will come up to Davis. He was told that were was no appetite for it and so we were under the impression that it would 520 <br />not happen. If we had known that it would have, of course we would have chosen not to move here. Some of our 521 <br />concerns, just like many of our neighbors that I agree with, we are concerned about light, and noise, pollution, air 522 <br />pollution and of course safety because of the increase traffic, especially the big trucks. I’d also, the potential for the 523 <br />decrease in the value of our property being so close to a warehouse district. So I wanted to make my concerns 524 <br />known as well and that I stand in solidarity with my neighbors being 100% opposed to this. Thank you. 525 <br /> 526 <br />Jon Lorusso: I spoke earlier, I’d just like to say that if this meeting were in person, the attendees, the residents would 527 <br />have the opportunity to meet and meet each other in person a lot of my neighbors, share contact details and organize 528 <br />in a way that Mr. Rupplin was speaking about. We don’t have the opportunity to do that because this is being done 529 <br />virtually but if, I was made aware of this through Mr. Garland, Mr. Franklin Garland, I would say, just to keep it simple, 530 <br />I am going to email him and see if he has any means of organizing the rest of us. Perhaps a Facebook group or 531 <br />something along those lines would be useful. Mr. Rupplin if you have any ideas, I can’t really share my email with 532 <br />you right now but I will try to get in touch with you through Mr. Garland and hopefully we can organize something that 533 <br />way. That’s all I have thank you. 534 <br /> 535 <br />Franklin Garland: Thank you for taking my questions again, I know I am using a lot of the time out here. Somethings 536 <br />that haven’t been asked yet and I know this will come up later on in the meeting but are any Commissioners present 537 <br />today for this meeting. That’s one question, ok. 538 <br /> 539 <br />Perdita Holtz: Can I go ahead and answer that and say that Commission Chair Penny Rich is on the call as an 540 <br />attendee. 541 <br /> 542 <br />Franklin Garland: She the only one. 543 <br /> 544 <br />Perdita Holtz: Yes, it is not typical that BOCC members attend Planning Board meeting. 545 <br /> 546 <br />Franklin Garland: So this is moot, what we’re discussing the decision everything we’re saying. 547 <br /> 548 <br />Perdita Holtz: Well this the Planning Board meeting and there will be a public hearing before the Board of County 549 <br />Commissioners at a future date. 550 <br /> 551 <br />Franklin Garland: It’s my understanding, and everybody that has spoken so far that this was in fact an information 552 <br />meeting with the Commissioners present and once again it seems to me that the Planning Board is trying to sweep 553 <br />everything under that rug. Ok, again pulling the wool in front of our eyes. Big questions for you guys, there is the 554 <br />Research Triangle Logistic Park Company out there Terra Equity did a presentation for a hand full of people because 555 <br />nobody else was notified and Planning Board has made it a point of not notifying all the people that really get 556 <br />involved but just the ones that are in contact with the property. Ok, so sort of devious, ok because there are, like I 557 <br />said, thousands of people that get affected by this not just the 12 parcels around it. However, big big question, we 558 <br />16
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